Sidan uppdaterad 2019-03-13

Courses and accreditation

The idea of exchange studies is that you should take courses at the partner university and use them towards your degree at Jönköping University. You should not need to study an extra semester when you return from your exchange so long as your study is equivalent to HLK full time studies. Please note you can find information in MOA regarding how many local credits meet a full time load.

Finding course information

MOA-portal is a great source of information and here you can find all relevant information that IO gets from our partner universities.

The latest information about the partner university's courses, is the information that comes directly from the partner university via email to you or is found on their websites.

Here are some tips to help your search:

  • Find the page for International Relations/International Office or the equivalent; they will often gather links for exchange students; also look for Exchange students or Erasmus students.
  • Find information about the university's programmes. There you can sometimes find information about the courses. This is often found under the academic departments.
  • Search for a specific faculty of the partner university. These are often found under “schools/campuses/faculties” or similar links.
  • Courses can be named: “courses", "units", "modules”. At some partner universities programmes may be called “courses”.
  • If you are on a bachelor programme, you should search among courses at “undergraduate/bachelor” level. If you are a master student, look under the “graduate/postgraduate” level.
  • Use the University's search function. Do a course code search and see if you can find a course description.
  • Some universities have special handbooks where all courses can be found.
  • You will often find semester dates if you search the “academic calendar” or “term dates”.
  • Many universities have pages for International Students. You may find information here, but most of the information relates to international, tuition-fee paying, students which does not apply to exchange students.

Preparatory language courses

Many of the partner universities have courses in English. Some may have a limited offering of courses in English and others may only offer courses in the national language. There are opportunities to take a preparatory language course on different levels at some partner universities. If you have previously studied a language, you can then refresh your skills before the semester begins.

 Important information to international students

There are special rules for international students regarding tuition fees/course fees at the Jönköping University in connection with exchange studies. Contact the team at the International Relations office for more information.

Choice of courses at the School of Education and Communication

At some universities the students need to make their course selections before going on exchange and at others, the course selection will be done upon arrival. Be aware that all chosen courses must be approved by your academic advisor at Jönköping University.

Try to get access and information on eligible courses at the partner university as soon as possible in order to upload the information in your MOA-workflow for approval by your program director at HLK.

The information you are uploading in MOA needs to contain both course code, level, credits, as well as a detailed course description.

Please be aware that your course approval in MOA by your program director is not to be mixed up with the formal course selection at the partner university that is made after the course approval.

If you make changes to your course selection during the semester, you must change the courses in MOA and have the new courses approved by your prgoram director again.

List of academic advisors:

Ann-Sofie Lekenstam: International Work

Eva-Lotta Palm: Media & Communication

Kerstin Ericson: Teacher Education

Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic: Human Resource Managment

You manage your course aproval as exchange student in IntApps database and you may see there what courses other students have previously studied at the respective universities.