Sidan uppdaterad 2019-03-13

In case of emergency

If something unforseen happens during your excange:

In case of emergency

The host university should be equipped to help you with most things – follow their instructions. In case of a serious event (for example a natural disaster, political disturbance, etc.), you should also check the recommendations from your home Embassy and/or the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD). Swedish embassies and consulates abroad can be contacted if necessary. After ensuring your safety, keep your relatives and your coordinator at Jönköping University informed!

  • See updates on UD’s Facebook page ‘UD Resklar'(in Swedish)
  • See the list of Swedish Embassies abroad on
  • See the World Health Organisation's travel health information

Contact International Office and keep us informed about your situation so that we have an overview of the situation. This improves our chances of giving you the help you need.

You should also contact the international office at your exchange university. You can contact them if you have psychological issues, accomodation issues or similar situations.

Further info at

  • SOS International
  • Swedenabroad (in swedish)