Sidan uppdaterad 2019-03-13

MOA (Mobility Online)

We are in the process of implementing a new internal system for exchange, Mobility Online Application (MOA) which will replace the old system IntApps.

For students going on exchange from spring semester 2024 and after, the new system MOA is the main system used.

During the time of transition, we need to use both systems in parallell.

This is an overview of which system is used for what:


  • Application for Exchange studies
  • Create Exchange/language and insurance certificates (Note, if you need transcript of records you contact Service Center!)
  • Course selection module (opened October 11th for students studying on exchange from spring 2024)
  • Erasmus+ application and documents
  • MOA Portal - Information about partner universities


  • Course selection and accreditation - IntApps (students studying on exchange fall 2023 and earlier)
  • Find courses former students studied - IntApps
  • Find former students who studied abroad - IntApps
  • Note! The information about partner universities is not updated any longer in IntApps, use MOA Portal below instead!

IntApps will be closed for student access at the end of the fall semester 2024. We request students with incompleted course accreditations to complete and finalize these before then. A deadline will be published later.

Follow the process described at the links to the left, enter your school, step during and after exchange.


MOA Portal - Information about partner universities

Application for exchange studies

Students who are eligible to apply will receive an email with an application link, when the application opens.

Login to MOA

Students who are admitted for exchange studies, please use this link to login to your workflow.



Login to IntApps

Every faculty name below is a link to their IntApps login page:
(use your JU student account login to enter the system)

Contact us via the links below or visit us during the drop in online or at Service Center on campus

Weekly Drop-in

Wed 2 Oct: Drop-in will be at the Go Exchange fair in HLK entrance from 11.00 - 13.00

At Service Center : Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30 - 12:30

Drop-in online: Thursdays, 11.30-12.30

Send us a case

Outgoing Students: Choose "Outgoing Exchange"

Incoming Students: Choose "Incoming Exchange"