Here you will find frequently asked questions when applying for exchange studies and what the answer is. If your question is not answered here, please contact us through the button to the right.
What happens when I have selected my universities in MOA?
Once you have selected your universities in MOA your application is complete. At this point you simply wait for the result of your application which may take between 2-3 weeks. The team at the International Relations office will contact you via your JU student email.
Where can I find information about courses at the different universities?
The latest updated information about the partner university's courses can be found on their websites. See the search tips under "Courses and Accreditation".
What happens if I do not get any of the universities I have chosen?
If you do not get any of the universities you have chosen, contact the team at the International Relations office for advice of how to proceed.
What happens if I decline the place I am offered?
In this situation you simply continue your studies at Jönköping University as normal.
I know of someone who has declined a place, can I take it instead?
No unfortunately not. In order to ensure that the exchange program works well and is fair for everyone applying for an study abroad experience, this situation is carefully managed by the team at the International Office within the working guidelines established.
Do I need to study in the local language of the university?
Most partner universities will offer courses in English but some will offer courses in the local language. You may need to demonstrate proficiency in English in order to be accepted at the university.
Can I study language courses during my exchange?
Some host universities arrange language courses at different levels for exchange students. Check the International Relations Office webpage of the partner university for more information. You may like to consider taking a language course before the exchange. You can study language courses at an adult education association, university or higher education institution or take an intensive course in the country in which you are going to study.