The Pathway programme is such a good way to prepare for university. I’m really grateful for it, because this is the first time I study in English.

Vy Nguyen, former Pathway student
We advance our study skills, study academic English, basic Swedish, and the culture of the Scandinavian countries. It’s a nice way to study and adjust to life here. I have much more confidence now and know the language much better.
It’s amazing how helpful teachers are. If you need help with your studies you can always contact them or ask at the library. They’ll help you any time. I even asked my teachers to be references when I applied for a summer job. They were glad to help and also gave feedback on my CV.
In Vietnam at university, it’s all theory. Here we study, but we also practice, which makes it easier to remember things. For instance, the teacher will give us group projects so that we learn how to solve problems together. We may be assigned to make a business plan, a presentation in class, or some other project. The main thing is that we do it as a team.
I really like the people, the climate, democracy, yes, everything about Sweden. I’d never seen snow until I came here. Winter is amazing.
Now that I’m more confident with my language skills, I’ve registered and been admitted to the bachelor's programme International Management, starting in the fall of 2019.
Eventually, I want to do office work. In Vietnam it can be hard to find a job that you really want, so after graduation I hope to stay in Sweden and find a job around here.
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