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Ranked among top 100 European Business School Rankings by Financial Times.
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About the programme:
In a world where climate change, biodiversity loss, global migration, and social inequality create conditions that threaten the global economy and our planet´s health, the need for skilled change leaders is greater than ever. Sustainable Enterprise Development is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to address these global challenges and contribute to a sustainable future.
The programme prepares you for a career in initiating and managing change processes, in both for-profit and non-profit organisations. As a student, you will develop an entrepreneurial mindset towards sustainability and regeneration.
All courses are given in English, and you will interact with students and teachers from different cultures and countries. Throughout your studies, you will have the chance to connect with the business sector through collaboration with companies and purpose-driven organisations, giving you practical experience of working life. During the fourth semester, you can specialise by studying abroad, completing an internship, or taking elective courses.
Your future career
Upon graduation, you will be well-prepared to support the sustainability transition and the decarbonization of operations. You will be able to work in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, promoting safe and just business practices within planetary boundaries. This program provides a solid foundation for starting your own business or pursuing a career as a business developer, project manager, change manager, or sustainability manager.
After graduating, you will be eligible to apply for master’s programmes in Business Administration at JIBS and other universities worldwide.
Facts and requirements
Here you can find the corresponding requirements for most countries.
Total tuition fee: 345000 SEK
Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students
Year 1
Autumn 2025
Foundations of Marketing, 7.5 credits
The Sustainable Enterprise - Social and Ecological Perspectives, 7.5 credits
Basic Financial Accounting, 7.5 credits
Microeconomic Principles, 7.5 credits
Spring 2026
Macroeconomic Principles, 7.5 credits
Organizational Theory for Profit and Purpose, 7.5 credits
Sustainability Challenges and Systems, 5 credits
Systems Thinking Competence, 2.5 credits
Leading Change through Sustainable Projects, 7.5 credits
Year 2
Autumn 2026
Business Statistics 1, 7.5 credits
Economics for a Sustainable Society, 7.5 credits
Sustainability Accounting, Reporting, and Law, 7.5 credits
Leading Innovation in Safe and Just Societies, 7.5 credits
Spring 2027
Optional credits, 30 credits
Development Economics, 7.5 credits
Internship in Business Administration, 7.5 credits
Leading and Owning a Family Enterprise, 7.5 credits
Supply Chain Management, 7.5 credits
Year 3
Autumn 2027
Acting Competence, 2.5 credits
Regenerative Sustainable Venture Development, 5 credits
Sustainable Finance and Risk Assessment, 7.5 credits
Multi-stakeholder Diplomacy and Engagement, 7.5 credits
Research Methods for Sustainable Enterprise Development, 7.5 credits
Spring 2028
Governance for Sustainability and Responsible Ownership, 7.5 credits
Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits
Digital Transformation in the Anthropocene, 7.5 credits
After Graduation
After completing your studies you will be well prepared for work in the private, non-profit and public sector – and for post-graduate study. The programme provides a solid foundation for a position in general management, and in particular equips you for work as a project leader, business developer or sustainability manager.
A bachelor's degree in business administration fulfils the prerequisites for further studies at the master's level. Here at Jönköping University, you can continue with:
Student projects