The rare combination of sustainability and communication is what attracted Jule Wegen to study at JU. A choice she does not regret.

– The program has deepened my understanding of the complexity of effective sustainable communication. Also, it has given me a comprehensive perspective on current global issues.
What is good about Sustainable communication?
– The best thing about this program is viewing sustainability and sustainable development from a communication perspective. Communication is often overlooked when discussing sustainable matters but yet plays such an important role in the process.
What courses have been interesting and will help you in your future career?
– The most interesting course for me was Media in the Digital Age. It was fascinating to learn about how digital media have an impact on current global movements as well as to view activism from a critical perspective. For my future career, I believe that the introduction to sustainability and communication provided a great overview of the topic. Transmedia storytelling and design offered a practical approach that can be helpful in the future as well.
When asked if she would recommend the program, Jule was certain on her answer:
– I would definitely recommend the program because it combines the discussion of current global issues with topics like digitalization, the power of media, and journalism.
Often, sustainability-related master programs are offered in the field of engineering or natural sciences. Through this program, it is possible to gather knowledge on sustainability issues from a media and communication perspective. This is a quite unique approach and I do believe that knowledge on how to effectively communicate sustainability is and will even become more valuable in the future.
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