Content updated 2020-03-04


To complete the Pathway Programme, you must earn a passing grade on all examinations. You will then receive a Pathway Certificate together with a transcript of your grades. 

Depending on the details of your specific Pathway Programme, the certificate automatically gives you access to your following programme to which you have a conditional offer or makes it possible for you to apply to other programmes and universities. To learn more about the possibilities for you after Pathway, contact Pathway Admissions ( or your study counsellor

Upon completion of your courses, we will register your grades before the Completion Ceremony. However, re-examintions and late submissions of assignments can cause a delay. The last date for reporting grades is 20 May or 20 December.

Because of the short time between examinations and completion of the programme, we are not able to provide your printed certificate at the time of the ceremony. You can apply for your Course certificate online via the link on the preceding page. Please state the correct address you wish to have the certificate sent to!

It is also possible to print the transcript of your grades from the university service Student-Ladok  External link, opens in new window.and this transcript can be digitally validated.