In case of Emergency
What to do if an emergency situation occurs during your exchange.
Depending on the emergency situation different contacts are needed. After ensuring your safety, keep your relatives and your coordinator at Jönköping University informed!
- The host university should be equipped to help you with most things – follow their instructions in accident, crisis and emergency situations.
- If you need urgent assistance abroad, please contact the relevant emergency service in the country you are in.
- Falck Global Assistance
When going on exchange studies through Jönköping University you have insurance through Kammarkollegiet, Student OUT (link to information, terms and conditions). In the event of serious illness, admission to hospital or a need for repatriation or other active assistance, contact must be made with:
Falck Global Assistance:
Phone: +46 8 587 717 49
Fax: +46 8 587 717 62
Falck Global Assistance can be contacted 24 hours a day.
When assistance is needed in the US or Canada, Falck Global Assistance cooperate with United Healthcare Global. Contact information to United Healthcare Global: Electronic Claims Submission: Payer ID 87726, Phone: +1855 720 7366, PO Box 740372, Atlanta, GA 30374-0372
Falck Global Assistance and United healthcare Global set a payment guarantee to the hospital if needed and the hospital can send the invoice to Falck Global Assistance.
You need to state JU insurance policy number when you are in contact with Falck Global Assistance. This is obtained by International Office at JU. - If you study within EU/EEA or Switzerland, you need to bring the EHIC card (EU card).
- Sweden Abroad
External link, opens in new window. (in Swedish) including information for Swedish citizens abroad, crisis and emergency information, "Svensklistan" and information about Swedish embassies/consulates around the world.
International students at JU are recommended to look at the website provided by their home country's embassy/consulate.
We recommend students to download the app UD Resklar and have the push notices on when abroad.- The Student Health Care at Jönköping University is available free of charge to students during the entire period of study. Email the student health care if you would like to contact a counsellor.
- Contact International Office and keep us informed about your situation so that we have an overview of the situation. This improves our chances of giving you the help you need.
Contact us via the links below or visit us during the drop in online or at Service Center
Weekly Drop-in
At Service Center : Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30 - 12:30
Drop-in online: Thursdays, 11.30-12.30
Send us a case
Outgoing Students: Choose "Outgoing Exchange"
Incoming Students: Choose "Incoming Exchange"