Return to teaching on campus
On 29 September, the fourth stage of lifting the national restrictions will be implemented. On that day, the President’s decision regulating the planning and implementation of Corona-adapted teaching on campus for Autumn 2021 will be lifted.
This means that the activities on campus are scaled up responsibly and in line with what is possible for the organisation. The Dean/MD is responsible for ensuring that this takes place at each school/company. Internal restrictions on physical meetings are also lifted.
Each person still has a great responsibility to minimize the spread of Covid-19. We therefore encourage employees and students to stay home in case of illness, keep social distance, and maintain good hand hygiene.
Students should contact their programme coordinator/manager or course coordinator if they have any study related questions.
The Public Health Agency of Sweden removes restrictions (stage 4)
The Public Health Agency of Sweden has made the assessment that the government should proceed with the plan for the abolition of restrictions in connection with the Corona pandemic. The following applies from 29 September:
- Participant limits for general gatherings and public events will be removed.
- Participant limits for private gatherings in rented premises will be removed.
- Rules governing the maximum number of individuals per party will be lifted for indoor venues serving food and drink.
- The general advice on working from home will be removed and a gradual return to the workplace can begin.