Academic Ceremony exhibition at the library
Jönköping University will celebrate the Academic Ceremony on Saturday, 4 May. The event will include professor installations and doctoral promotions. An exhibition featuring information about the ceremony and dissertations and other publications from the participating doctors, honorary doctors and professors, is now on display at the library.
On Friday, 3 May, the newly appointed honorary doctors will hold their open lectures in the library's JMW-sal:
- 10:00–10:50 Klass, kön och kärlek: Vägen fram mot hälsa och välfärd på lika villkor under 100 år i Sverige. Mian Lodalen, författare, frilansjournalist, krönikör och flitigt anlitad föredragshållare (in Swedish)
- 11:00–11:50 Urban Science and Climate Adaptation. José Lobo, Associate Clinical Professor vid School of Sustainability, College of Global Futures Arizona State University (in English)