Nominated for "Årets Brobyggare" Bridge Builder of the Year
In December 2022, all employees at Jönköping University (JU) got the chance to nominate candidates for the "Årets Brobyggare" award (Bridge Builder of the Year), which will be awarded at Jönköpingsgalan on 25 March. JU's management team has selected three finalists, and the winner will be presented at the gala. Jönköping University has also been nominated for another award.

When the nominees were announced on Thursday, it was revealed that Jönköping University has been nominated for the Meetings and Events of the Year Award at Jönköpingsgalan. JU will be represented at the award by Linda Bergqvist, External Relations Manager at the School of Engineering, and Carla G Machado, Director of Societal Engagement at Jönköping International Business School.
The finalists for JU's prize "Årets Brobyggare 2022" are:
Agnetha Bartoll, Folktandvården Region Jönköping County
Agnetha Bartoll is a strong contributor to the close collaboration between Region Jönköping County and Jönköping University. This collaboration has, among other things, resulted in a completely new type of service at JU; sought-after combination positions that make it possible to conduct research within academia and at the same time work clinically within the region. Agnetha's enthusiasm and spirit have contributed to the work of developing a center in odontology and oral health, with a view to a future dental education in Jönköping.

Andreas Rangert
Andreas Rangert, Husqvarna AB
Husqvarna, through its management and employees at various levels, has been committed to developing both research at JU and especially the School of Engineering (JTH) at JU since its inception in 1994. Andreas has been particularly active in this work – through collaboration with JTH, new sustainable and competitive solutions for technology development and competence have been created. Andreas Rangert and Husqvarna have demonstrated a purposeful drive by continuously, and in collaboration with JU’s researchers and students, developed research projects, internships, theses, and courses. For 10 years, Husqvarna has, among other things, provided students with real challenges for the development of new products in what is now known as the "Husqvarna course". Over the years, more than 10 research projects have been carried out in collaboration with Husqvarna, and the company is a strategic part of the development and growth of JTH's areas of strength.
Owen Southgate, NYSA (National Youth Sports Association)
Englishman Owen Southgate has worked together with Jönköping University for a long time, and with tireless energy and passion, to find potential career paths combining academia and sport. The work has been carried out through diligent networking between Jönköping municipality, JU, international universities, the region's sports associations and schools, and more. Owen is a person who exhibits all the criteria to be a true bridge builder on behalf of JU and he has an amazing ability to connect people.
About the prize “Årets Brobyggare”
The “Årets Brobyggare” award goes to a person, organisation or company that acts as a positive force and initiates activities that help build bridges between Jönköping University and the surrounding society. Jönköping University's connections in the region and collaborations with companies and organisations are what keep JU relevant. In Jönköping University's mission statement, this is further clarified by the formulation:
Embedded in the region and engaged worldwide, we bridge knowledge and society, developing the talent of tomorrow.

Linda Bergqvist and Carla G Machado
JU employees nominated for the Meetings and Events of the Year Award
Linda Bergqvist, External Relations Manager at the School of Engineering, and Carla G Machado Director of Societal Engagement at Jönköping International Business School, have been nominated for the Meetings and Events of the Year Award.
“We are happy and honoured with this nomination. JU’s mission is to be embedded in the region, engaged globally, bridging knowledge with society and developing the talents of tomorrow. In 2022, we had the opportunity to receive people from all around the world joining us at international conferences, meetings and seminars promoted by our schools, which became a fantastic opportunity for students, researchers and partners to collaborate, share knowledge and feel the entrepreneurial spirit that surrounds us, as well as, to enjoy our vibrant and beautiful city,” says Carla and Linda.
Nomination text:
With its research conferences, the university and its schools put Jönköping on the meetings map both nationally and internationally as well as contribute to Jönköping's strong position in Sweden as a leading meetings city. In 2022, Jönköping University has taken a further step to enable more conferences thanks to an agreement with a congress agency. Hosting a congress or major conference is rewarding and developing, but also time-consuming. Thanks to driven employees, who want to show Jönköping University's strengths and also Jönköping as a whole, the university contributes to a fantastic hosting and at the same time to the development of Jönköping municipality.
About Jönköpingsgalan
Jönköpingsgalan is an annual business gala where people, organisations and companies whose efforts during the past year have been of great importance to our region are praised. During the gala, a total of ten prizes are awarded with different goals and objectives. Common to all prizes is that they are preceded by a selection process where three final contributions are presented at the Jönköping Gala. The gala is organised by FC Production.