Royal visit at Jönköping University

Their Majesties the King and Queen of Sweden visited Jönköping University (JU) on Thursday, 15 October. The royal couple met President Agneta Marell together with students, teachers, researchers, and Student Health Care representatives, whom, from different perspectives, talked about how the pandemic has affected studies, teaching and research at JU.

Kungapartet promenerar tillsammans med rektor Agneta Marell

The royal couple was greeted by President Agneta Marell when they arrived to campus.

The King and Queen were welcomed by a large group of students and staff who had gathered outside the library where the visit took place.

President Agneta Marell began the visit by saying that she feels both humbled and proud of how students and staff have handled the adjustment that the university had to adjust to due to the onset of the pandemic.

“My experience is that there has been a great level of commitment, and a certain amount of the entrepreneurial spirit famously found in the Småland region, when it comes to finding solutions to the problems and challenges that JU has faced,” says Agneta Marell.

During the visit, the royal couple met with President Agneta Marell, the Dean of the School of Health and Welfare, Marie Ernsth Bravell, Associate Dean of Research at the School of Engineering, Salem Seifeddine, Associate Dean of Education at the School of Health and Welfare, Agneta Stenebrand, one of the Counsellors at the Student Health Care, Marie Böwing-Lindström, and Sophia Fröberg Liljenberg, President of the Student Union in Jönköping.

During the conversation about the pandemic’s influence, the royal couple posed a number of questions. The King had several questions about the activities at JU and wondered, for example, how the transition to digital teaching worked. Among other things, the Queen asked questions about how the students experienced the pandemic.

“We are working towards a responsible and gradual return and are very happy to welcome our students back to campus again,” says Agneta Marell, who ended the meeting by thanking the royal couple and the Jönköping County Governing couple for a pleasant visit.
