Helena Nilsson awarded Best PhD Student Award at Uddevalla Symposium
Helena Nilsson, PhD candidate in Economics at Jönköping International Business School and HUI Research, won the Best PhD Candidate Paper Award at the 20th Uddevalla Symposium 2017.

To stimulate high quality papers the Scientific Committee of the Uddevalla Symposium 2017 designate the Best Paper with €1000 and the Best PhD Candidate Paper with €700. The prizes are sponsored by the Uddevalla Municipality, Sweden and the University West, Sweden.
The winner of the best PhD Candidate paper award 2017 was PhD Candidate Helena Nilsson, HUI Research and Jönköping International Business School, with her paper Effects of IKEA Entry – spatial impacts on firm level retail sales.
The jury said: “This paper has a well theoretical connection to previous and current research and a sound research approach and methodology. Furthermore, the paper has a “straight forward” analysis, with relevant results. The paper adds a promising contribution to our understanding of the entry of big-boxes that often is subject to intense debate not least regarding job-opportunities and vis-a-vi the development of city-centers.”
The best paper award went to Roberto Antonietti and Francesca Gambarototto. “Marco Fanno” Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova, Italy.