Sari Virta: A portrait of one of MMTC's affiliated researchers and her work in media management.
Sari Virta is an Affiliated Researcher at MMTC focusing on practical media management work as well as creativity and development in media organizations and their networks. Combining media studies and management/business administration as well as theory and practice in her research, Sari looks at creativity management and managerial tensions in creative development work. Sari’s research produces new knowledge on managing creative industry organisations and their collaborations in knowledge-intensive economies.
My research aims at benefitting both theory and practice, and I find it crucial to produce applicable research results for the industry. Creating new understanding about collaborative work and shared value creation is fundamental for success in today's disruptive operational environments.
Sari holds a MSc (econ.) from Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration. In the time period between earning her Master's and PhD, Sari worked extensively in the media and communication industries, especially in product development and training/consultation. Following an initial short-term visit to MMTC, in August 2014, Sari joined the faculty at JIBS and became a PhD Candidate. Sari completed her double-PhD studies (Media Studies & Business Administration) at Jönköping International Business School (MMTC) in Sweden and the University of Tampere (COMS) in Finland. Sari is currently based in Finland working project-based in an expert position at Sitra (sitra.fi), a Finnish think-and -do-tank.
Sari remains involved in research and is currently working on a book chapter on collaboration management tensions in media clusters. She is also working on the initial stage of a research project, which focuses on the role of serendipity in management and is interested in further collaboration in the areas of media cluster and collaborative value network research, as well as elaborations on different sides of creativity management.
I believe that learning and creating new understanding about transformation and change is core for future vitality of the media and other knowledge-based industries. This is at the heart of MMTC's work and makes it important for society.