Gunnar Eckert

Planning Department , University Services
Master of Science


+46 70-328 16 18
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Gunnar Eckert has been emplyed at School of Engineering since 1998. The period up to November 2009 was divided equally between the teaching of physics and administrative tasks. The latter meant exam scheduling and planning, trade union involvement and head safety representative.

During the period November 2009 - June 2012 was Eckert acting Educational Director, respectively Educational Director.

July 2012 - Feb. 2014 Eckert was re-commissioned similar period before 2009. The added work with quality coordination and control in The Council of Education and Research Education (JTH-level) and The Board of Education and Research Education (JU-level).

During March 2015 to December 2016 was Eckert Head of the Department of Construction Engineering and Lighting Science.

Eckert retired March 1, 2017.

Between March 1 - June 30, 2017, Eckert participated part-time in a GAP analysis on quality issues within JTH.

Between 6 November 2017 - Sept 2018, Eckert participated in a JU overall project on quality issues under the leadership of Mats Jägstam.

During the period April - June and Aug 2024 - March 2025 Eckert participates in a JU overall project on quality issues under the leadership of Salem Seifeddine.


Conference paper

Eckert, G., Hjelmåker, M., Elmquist, L. (2013). Off campus integrating theory and practice with progression. 9th International CDIO Conference 9-13 June, Cambridge USA. More information