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Planning Department

Tomas Björk
Head of Department
University Services
+46 36-10 1150

Danielle Tärnhamn
Executive Assistant to the President
University Services
+46 36-10 1002
+46 70-207 60 09

Gunnar Eckert
University Services
+46 70-328 16 18

Daniel Eriksson
Quality Assurance Officer
University Services
+46 36-10 1352

Fredrik Hansen
University Services
+46 36-10 1800

Frida Kadin
University Services
+46 36-10 1387

Ann-Sofi Kalbe
Operations Development Manager
University Services
+46 36-10 1164

Ingela Larsson
Legal Counsel
University Services
+46 36-10 1609

Anna Rask
University Services
+46 36-10 1082

Jenny Rosander
Records manager
University Services
+46 36-10 1155

Amanda Rothén
Senior administrative coordinator
University Services
+46 36-10 1871

Hans Rudberg
Legal Counsel
University Services
+46 36-10 1024

Anneli Svensson
Executive Secretary
University Services
+46 36-10 1033

Oskar Westergren
Records manager
University Services
+46 36-10 1779

Niklas Sjöstrand
Administrator/ Management Support
University Services
+46 36-10 1873