Kristina Säfsten

Professor Production Systems


Kristina (Kicki) Säfsten's research interest concerns various aspects of the interface between product development and production, to enable smoth production start up, sustainability and circular solutions.

To exemplify relevant questions a few research projects can be mentioned. In the research project RobustSTART focus was on production ramp-up. In the research project INTERFACE both the interface beween technology development and product development and between produt development and prouction are adressed. In another research project (KNOP) focus was on learning during product introduction. In the project INDUS a wider scope was applied, and challenges related to production start-up in a supply chain was in focus. In the current research project, IDEAL, focus was on integrated product and production platforms aiming at supporting agile and customer driven product realisation. In this project there were four sub-projects involved, and Kicki was project manager in a subproject adressing integration with support from so called boundary objects.

All research is carried out in close cooperation with industry.


MSc in Mechanical Engineering in 1991 from the Institute of Technology, Linköping university (LiTH). After that Kristina worked for Ericsson Telecom AB in Stockholm (and Dublin) until 1995 when she was admitted to the research education and IMIE (International Graduate School of Management and Industrial Engineering). She got her PhD in Assembly Technology in 2002 from LiTH. Since 2014 she holds a position as Professor in Production Systems at the School of Engineering, Jönköping university (JTH). Besides research and education Kristina is also involved in the research education at JTH and has acted as associate dean of doctoral programmes for many years.