Patrick Riehmann

Assistant Professor Computer Science

Patrick Riehmann is with Jönköping University as Assistant Professor for Data Visualization. He previously worked as postdoctoral researcher and project manager with the Virtual Reality and Visualization Research Group, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, where he also did his Doctorate (PhD) before.

His research covers topics of Information Visualization, Visual Analytics and HCI and aims to support real users in solving their tasks, to offer tools of high utility and to convince aesthetically as well. He is especially interested in visual text and argumentation analysis for interactively exploring discourse structures and topic relations of individual papers as well as entire corpora.

Besides visualizing massive sensor data streams or providing visual decision and configuration support, the adaptation of Information Visualization paradigms for very large multi-touch displays by creating and providing tailored gesture vocabularies is another area of interest of his.

A selection of his projects can be found at Visual Metaphors (