Agnieszka Kitkowska

Assistant Professor Computer Science


Agnieszka's doctoral research focused on the role of privacy concerns, individual characteristics of the decision-maker, such as personality types, and the influence of affective states on privacy attitudes and behaviors. During her postdoctoral studies, she worked on various projects, covering topics such as dark patterns, IoT in schools, digital health & well-being, privacy management among people living with chronic health conditions, and studies related to the COVID-19 pandemic and digitalization. 

Agnieszka's interests are in usable and transparent privacy displays and how to enhance them with different techniques acquired from HCI, psychology, and behavioral sciences. Moreover, she is interested in user research beyond the field of privacy and different methods that could be applied to it, ranging from qualitative user studies to quantitative methods. 


Agnieszka has a multidisciplinary background, with a Master's degree in Computing from Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland (HCD, digital markets, digitalization) and a Master's degree in History of Art and Culture from the University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun, Poland (specialization paintings). She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Karlstad University. Her doctoral research was a part of the EU Privacy & Us innovative training network and focused on investigating privacy-related decision-making.