Gonzalo Luna Cortes

Luna-Cortés, G., Brady, M.
Measuring Travel Insurance Literacy: Effect on Trust in Providers and Intention to Purchase Journal of Travel Research.
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Luna-Cortés, G., López-Bonilla, L., López-Bonilla, J.
The moderating role of perceived brand globalness on the effects of consumers’ attitude during periods of political controversies: three interconnected studies following marketing analytics’ best practices Journal of Marketing Analytics.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Research on literacy in tourism: A review and future research agenda.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
A systematic literature review of the stereotype content model in the fields of psychology and marketing: main themes examined in the literature and an agenda for future research in marketing.
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Luna-Cortés, G., López-Bonilla, J., López-Bonilla, L.
Co-Innovation in Dark Tourism: Quality and Type of Tourists’ Ideas Before vs. After the Visit Leisure Sciences.
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Luna-Cortés, G., López-Bonilla, L., López-Bonilla, J.
Examining tourists’ perception of changes in contextual cues at the destination and the effect on automatic sustainable eating behavior Journal of Foodservice Business Research.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Managing students’ illusion of control in higher education: effect on unrealistic optimism and expectancy disconfirmation Higher Education, 88, 2187-2204.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
The use of virtual social networks during the anticipatory phase to reduce perceived crime risk and increase trust in organizers International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 15(1), 43-61.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Research on Yachting: A Systematic Review of the Literature.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
The Influence of the Dimensions of Perceived Value on Keepers' Satisfaction and Intention to Abandon Society and Animals, 5(3), 1-18.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Aristizabal Cuellar, J.
Effect of masculine eating and drinking beliefs on male consumers’ concern with healthy eating and binge drinking European Journal of Marketing, 56(11), 3078-3106.
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Luna-Cortés, G., López-Bonilla, L., López-Bonilla, J.
Research on luxury hospitality: A systematic review of the literature.
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Matta, S., Rogova, N., Luna-Cortés, G.
Investigating tolerance of uncertainty, COVID-19 concern, and compliance with recommended behavior in four countries: The moderating role of mindfulness, trust in scientists, and power distance Personality and Individual Differences, 186.
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Luna-Cortés, G., López-Bonilla, L., López-Bonilla, J.
The consumption of dark narratives: A systematic review and research agenda.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Companion Dog Routine Inventory: Scale Validation and the Effect of Routine on the Human–Dog Relationship Anthrozoos, 35(4), 527-544.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Measuring tourists' stress in colombia Tourism, 69(1), 32-46.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Self-congruity, destination brand, and the use of social media Tourism Analysis, 26(1), 77-81.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Stress perceived by foreigners that use public transportation in Bogotá (Colombia) Research in Transportation Economics, 80.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
The Influence of Materialism on Purebred Dogs’ Welfare Among Two Different Generations in Colombia (South America) Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 22(2), 149-158.
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Luna-Cortés, G., López-Bonilla, J., López-Bonilla, L.
Self-Congruity, Social Value, and the Use of Virtual Social Networks by Generation Y Travelers Journal of Travel Research, 58(3), 398-410.
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Luna-Cortés, G., López-Bonilla, L., López-Bonilla, J.
The influence of social value and self-congruity on interpersonal connections in virtual social networks by Gen-Y tourists PLOS ONE, 14(6).
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Differences among generations of USA tourists regarding the positive content created about Colombia in social media Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 36, 31-39.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
The Influence of Materialism and Self-Congruity on the Relationship of Human With Their Companion Dogs Social Marketing Quarterly, 24(4), 249-263.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
The influence of symbolic consumption on experience value and the use of virtual social networks [Influencia del consumo simbólico en el valor de la experiencia y el uso de las redessociales virtuales] Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 21(1), 39-51.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
The influence of tourism experience self-congruity on the use of virtual social networks European Journal of Tourism Research, 16, 154-176.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
La influencia del consumo simbólico en la intensidad de uso de las redes sociales digitales y el valor percibido de las experiencias [The influence of symbolic consumption on the intensity of digital social networks use and the perceived value of experiences] INNOVAR: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, 27(64), 37-50.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Análisis del estrés de la fuerza de ventas en un período de crisis económica [Stress analysis of sales staff in a period of economic crisis] Dimensión Empresarial, 13, 165-177.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Una revisión del constructo consumo simbólico desde la perspectiva de la experiencia turística [A review of the construct “symbolic consumption” from the perspective of the tourist experience] Investigaciones Turísticas, 26-56.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Berenguer Contri, G.
La búsqueda y el valor de la información en los destinos turísticos Papers de Turisme, 18-43.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Berenguer Contri, G.
Análisis del estrés de la fuerza de ventas en un período de crisis económica [Different Periods of the Use of Tourist Information Sources in Valencia, Spain] Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 22(3), 410-424.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Royo Vela, M.
The Antecedents of Consumers’ Negative Attitudes Toward SMS Advertising: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Study Journal of Interactive Advertising, 13(2), 109-117.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Las fuentes de información empleadas por los turistas vacacionales en los destinos turísticos Investigaciones Turísticas, 132-139.
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Book chapter
Luna-Cortés, G., López-Bonilla, L., López-Bonilla, J.
The dimensions of the perceived value of the information obtained by generation Y tourists in social media.
Tourism and Hospitality:
Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges
(pp. 27 -57).
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Conference paper
Luna-Cortés, G.
Materialism and social marketing: The case of dogs’ welfare in South America.
Czech Technical University, IAC 2019, Vienna, Austria, July 5-6, 2019.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
The Effect of the location of the hotel on the comments by visitors in their virtual social networks.
Czech Technical University, IAC 2019, Vienna, Austria, July 5-6, 2019.
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Luna-Cortés, G.
Different stages on the use of tourist sources of information.
VIII International Congress of the Mexican Academy of Tourism Research, Barranquilla (Colombia), September 23.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Belenguer Contri, G.
El proceso de búsqueda de información de los turistas: incidencia en la planificación del viaje y la toma de decisiones en destino.
XXII Jornadas Luso-Españolas de Gestión Científica, Vila Real (Portugal), February 1, 2012.
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Royo Vela, M., Luna-Cortés, G.
Aparición y efectos del Wear-out en la publicidad en formato SMS: un estudio exploratorio.
XXII Jornadas Luso-Españolas de Gestión Científica, Vila Real (Portugal), February 1, 2012.
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Kuster Boluda, I., Luna-Cortés, G., Sanz Blas, S.
Efectos de la crisis financiera sobre el estrés del personal de ventas.
XXII Jornadas Luso-Españolas de Gestión Científica, Vila Real (Portugal), February 1, 2012.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Kuster Boluda, I., Sanz Blas, S.
Antecedentes del estrés del vendedor en el contexto económico actual.
XXIV Congreso Nacional de Marketing AEMARK, Mallorca, September 12, 2012.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Belenguer Contri, G.
La búsqueda y el valor de la información en los destinos turísticos.
XVII Congreso Internacional AECIT, November 21, 2012.
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Royo Vela, M., Luna-Cortés, G.
The antecedents of negative consumer’s attituedes toward SMS advertising: a theoritical framework and empirical study.
XXIV Congreso Nacional de Marketing AEMARK, Mallorca, September 12, 2012.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Belenguer Contri, G.
Análisis del uso de las fuentes de información den distintas etapas del proceso de decisión de los turistas.
XVII Congreso Internacional AECIT, November 21, 2012.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Belenguer Contri, G.
Different periods of the use of tourist information sources in Valencia, Spain.
12th International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, January 17-19, 2012.
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Luna-Cortés, G., Belenguer Contri, G.
Analysis of the value of the information at the tourist destination.
12th International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, January 17-19, 2012.
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