Helena Taubner

Assistant Professor of Special Education
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication

Helena Taubner is an assistant professor (senior lecturer) in special education at HLK, Jönköping University. 

Her PhD degree, from Halmstad University, is in Health and Lifestyle with a specialization in Disability Research. Her interdisciplinary background contains computational linguistics, educational technology, disability studies and communication science. Her PhD thesis from 2019 is about living with the linguistic disability aphasia. During her time as a postdoctoral researcher at Halmstad University, she focused on employment sustainability for people with intellectual disability. 

Helena has also been a researcher at Marie Cederschiöld University in Stockholm, where she was involved in a project about implementing the method Active Support in group homes for people with intellectual disability. 

At JU, Helena is part of the CHILD research group. Her research and teaching is about the intersection between disability, lifelong learning and communication.


Vardagen i skuggan av pandemin? Om levnadsvillkor, delaktighet och begränsningsåtgärder/begränsande praktiker

Mental health and life satisfaction among youth with disabilities and experiences of services in the post-pandemic period (D-youth)