Mahama Tawat

Assistant Professor of Social Sciences
Department of Natural and Social Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Programme Manager of GlobalS

Mahama Tawat's teaching and research are concerned with migration, comparative social policy and global governance. He is the Programme Director of the Master's of Science in Global Studies: Sustainable Societies and Social Change. 

His previous research has focused on Swedish, Nordic and Euro-African migration policies, and more recently governance at the UN and the concept of "one health" which connects animal, environmental and human health as well as social and applied sciences. Another line of interest is the comparative method. He holds a PhD in comparative public policy from the University of Otago in New Zealand and a master's degree in political sociology from Dalarna University. He has also studied communication (Stockholm University), european integration (Malmö University) and peace and conflict (incomplete) (Uppsala University). He has lectured at Addis Abeba University, Bamberg University, the Higher School of Economics, Jagiellonian University and Otago University.

He has held research positions at the Malmö Institute for the Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare; Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions (MAKIT); the Institute for Research, Socio-Economic Development and Communication (Cameroon); the Centre for Comparative Immigration Studies of the University of California, San Diego and the European Centre for Minorities Issues in Flengsburg, Germany. His research har been cited among others by The Financial Times.

Current research project: 

Fostering inclusion: Migrants, action competence and social justice in the Citizen Engagement Lab. Funding, Educom 2024-2025, School of Education and Communication (HLK).