Catarina Schmidt

Assistant Professor of Education
Department of Language, Aesthetic Learning and Literature , School of Education and Communication
Associate Professor of Education
Head of Subject Swedish, Literary Studies & Swedish as Second Language
Leave of absence


Catarina Schmidt is a senior lecturer in Pedagogy with an orientation towards literacy education in the primary- and elementary school years. Her research focuses on conditions and possibilities for children’s and young people's communication and meaning making  in relation to the various literacy practices which they get involved in, in and out of school. This research interest is related to multilingualism, multimodality, popular culture, present technologies and media, and democracy.  She has a specific interest in Critical Literacy and linguistic scaffolds across the curriculum. 

Ongoing research projects

  • 2023-25: Librarians' promoting of reading - six-year-olds and their caregivers. Action research project in collaboration with Region Jönköping. 
  • 2023-2024. ULF-project. The language potential of experienced shared reading (preschool, preschool class and primary school).  (Project leader). 
  • 2020-23: ULF-project about translanguaging (project leader) in collaboration with a Primary School, University of Gothenburg and the Centre for school development (Cfs).

Finished research projects

  • 2020-2021: ULF-project. Enhancing language and positve reading habits. To widen the possibilities for dialogic reading aloud with children. 
  • 2018- 21: Exploring the elusive teaching gap – Equity and knowledge segregation in teaching processes, in cooperation with Professor Ninni Wahlström, Linneaus University and financed by the Swedish Research Council.
  • 2018- 19: Subject education through new arrivals’ first languages [Studiehandledning], on behalf of and in cooperation with the Language Centre [Språkcentrum], City ofåken+-+slutrapport.pdf
  • 2015-17: Understanding Curriculum Reforms – A Theory-Oriented Evaluation of the Swedish Curriculum Reform Lgr 11, in cooperation with Professor Ninni Wahlström Linneaus University and funded by The Swedish Research Council.
  • 2014-15: Interventions Promoting Reading – Evaluation and Analysis of Libraries’ Interventions in Six Provinces in the Southern part of Sweden, funded by the National Culture Council and in cooperation with the Region Halland.
  • 2013-14: Classroom Study in grade 2; Using Students’ Popular Cultural Experiences in Literacy Education with Åsa Wedin, Professor in Swedish as a Second Language, Dalarna University

Catarina give lectures, teaches courses and supervises essays related to the above knowledge areas. Catarina supervises one doctoral students in relation to the above described research field.