Otto is a PhD within the field of media and communication science. His research primarily investigates communication in interorganizational collaboration on sustainability issues. In Otto's dissertation he particularly analyzed the role of mediated communication in climate change collaboration in a project financed by the Climate Council of Jönköping County and Jönköping University. You can find more information about the research project here.
Otto have a Master in Science from Uppsala University, where he studied Sociotechnical System Engineering. He profiled his studies toward renewable energy and his master thesis was awarded The Best Master thesis of 2016 by Trafiktekniska föreningen.
After graduation Otto started working on the County administrative board in Jönköping County, where he lead a two-year solar power project. You can find information and results from that project here:
In 2018, Otto started his reserach education and gradutated in 2024 with the dissertation Elusive Promises of Mediated Collaboration - An exploration of media-driven potentials and pitfalls in collective climate change mitigation.
Hedenmo, O.
What are the connections between collaboration values and communication practices?: An investigation exploring collaborators' perceptions of supports and constraints in collaboration practice Nordicom Review, 45(1), 56-80.
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Hedenmo, O.
Virtual balancing: How digital environments influence the participation and efficiency of cross-sector partnerships Western journal of communication, 88(1), 43-67.
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Berglez, P., Hedenmo, O.
The mediatedness of interorganizational collaboration. How collaboration materializes through affordances, chains, and switches Organization.
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Doctoral thesis
Hedenmo, O.
Elusive promises of mediated collaboration: An exploration of media-driven potentials and pitfalls in collective climate change mitigation
(Doctoral thesis, Jönköping:
Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication).
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Blog Post
Other publications
Hedenmo, O.
Media tensions in interorganizational collaboration: An investigation of the emergence of and responses to conflicting perceptions of media affordances.
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Hedenmo, O., Berglez, P.
Att åstadkomma samverkan: Sju kommunikativa framgångsfaktorer.
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