Florencia Enghel

Assistant Professor of Media and Communications
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Associate Professor of Media and Communications

Florencia Enghel is Associate Professor in Media and Communication Studies and an internationally recognized expert in the analysis and critical theorization of communication for development and social change practices. Her research has also focused on the contributions of Latin American communication theory to global knowledge. She is the proud recipient of a Marie Curie Global Fellowship (2020-2023) granted by the European Commission to conduct novel research on women's everyday communicative practices for gender justice in Argentina. In 2024 she won a RJ Sabbatical grant to develop a book project about her Marie Curie-funded research. From 2015 to 2023 she served as a member of the International Association of Media and Communication Researcher (IAMCR)'s Clearinghouse for Public Statements. In 2025 she joined the Editorial Board of the Communication, Culture and Critique journal.