Charlotta Nilsen

Programme Manager
Assistant Professor
Institute of Gerontology , School of Health and Welfare
Associate Professor

Charlotta Nilsen (Ph.D.) is an associate professor in gerontology at the Institute of Gerontology at Jönköping University. She is also an affiliated researcher at the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University and at the Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet. Her dissertation from 2018 is titled Do psychosocial working conditions contribute to healthy and active aging? Studies of mortality, late-life health, and leisure. 

  • 2018: PhD Medical science, Karolinska Institutet
  • 2012: MSc Gerontology, Jönköping University
  • 2010: BSc Public health science with health economics, Gothenburg University

Her primary research interests include social gerontology and occupational epidemiology. 

Current research projects as principal investigator (PI)

Patterns of stress across the life course and their role in mental health and loneliness in older adults. Institute of Gerontology (IFG), Jönköping University. Funded by Forte and the Research Council.

SWEAH Alumni Interdisciplinary Network (SAIN) - An Early Career Researcher Network within Aging. Institute of Gerontology (IFG), Jönköping University. Funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation.

Involvement in other projects

2022-2025: Stress across the life course and associations to late-life cognitive and physical function: Which modifiable social and lifestyle factors affect the association? Institute of Gerontology, Jönköping University. PI: Ingemar Kåreholt. Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.

2019-2022: The emergence of a new conflict to work-life balance among older workers? The dual threat of “caregiver-burden” and challenging working conditions. Karolinska Institutet. PI: Charlotta Nilsen. Funded by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare (Forte).

2019-2022: The fruits of labor: Investigating the influence of working conditions on the initiation and duration of the fourth age. Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University. PI: Charlotta Nilsen. Funded by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare (Forte). The project ended in December 2022.

2020-2021: Pushed to the edge of society: Social exclusion among older women and men in Sweden. Karolinska Institutet. PI: Lena Dahlberg. Funded by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare (Forte). The project ended in March 2021.

2018-2021: Psychosocial working conditions and late-life physical functioning: What role do gender, socioeconomic position, work-life balance, and coping play? Karolinska Institutet. PI: Ingemar Kåreholt. Funded by Marianne and Marcus Foundation. The project ended in March 2021.


Charlotta Nilsen is currently the course director of two courses: 1) ‘Quantitative method’, 5,5 credits, advanced, Jönköping University, 2) 'Master thesis in gerontology,' 15 credits, advanced, Jönköping University. She is also a lecturer in the above courses as well as in ‘Aging and health’, Jönköping University. She is the examiner of the courses ‘Ageing in a Welfare State’ 10 credits, advanced, Jönköping University and 'Gerontology - perspective, theory, and method' 7.5 credits, advanced, Jönköping University.

Other engagements

Charlotta Nilsen is the Program Director of the Master’s Programme in Gerontology at the Institute of Gerontology. She is also the coordinator of the SAIN network (SWEAH Alumni Interdisciplinary Network). She is also part of the Editorial College for the Journal of Global Ageing.