Annika Moscati

Associate Professor ICT-BIM in building


Annika's research focuses on the digitalization of the built environment and the needed digital information flow at all scales (from products to the urban scale). Her research aims to advance the understanding of how digital technologies, such as digital product passports (DPPs), building information modelling (BIM) and geographic information systems (GIS), can be used to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the built environment. 

The digitalization of the built environment can contribute to a more efficient and sustainable built environment by enhancing efficiency, reducing waste, improving monitoring, contributing to better decision-making, cutting time and costs during the construction process, and allowing the creation of digital models to predict and control buildings’ performances. 

While her research has the potential to have a significant impact on the design, construction, and operation of the built asset, the final goal is to obtain a more sustainable and environmentally friendly built environment. 

Currently, Annika is the project manager for the Vinnova project ProFlow (link). She is also involved in other research projects.



Annika teaches at bachelor's and master's levels courses about BIM, GIS, Parametric Design, and Digital Twins. She is also the examiner and supervisor for the final thesis and all levels and supervisor of several PhD candidates.



Annika was born in Italy in 1981. She studied architecture at Ascoli Piceno, University of Camerino from 2002 to 2007 when she graduated with honors. The year after, she started as a PhD candidate in Representation and Survey at La Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy. She conducted part of her thesis at the CNRS/MCC MAP-Gamsau Laboratory in Marseilles, France. She defended her thesis titled “Integrated Information Systems for the Enhancement of the Urban / Architectural Heritage, including 3D GIS, AIS (Architectural Information Systems) and Web” in June 2012. The same year, Annika moved with her family to Sweden where she worked as an architect before obtaining, in 2015, the position of Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University.