Tobias Samuelsson

Professor of Social Sciences
Department of Natural and Social Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Associate Dean of Doctoral Education
Doctoral Programmes , School of Education and Communication
The Unit for Research , School of Education and Communication


Tobias Samuelsson is Professor in Social Science at the School of Education and Communication. His research focuses on ethnographic studies of children's everyday life with a particular focus on children's work and child culture. Tobias have participated in research projects that studied children’s and families visits toChildren's museums, Theme parks, Amusement parks and Science Centers.He has also done research on summer camps. These studies are based in the field called Sociology of Childhood. Tobias also conducts research on medical sociology and family sociology and has done research on telemedicine, ambulance care and parental support programs (COPE) for immigrant parents. Theoretically, Tobias research is also inspired by Science and Technology Studies (STS).

Tobias is part of two projects:

  • Samverkan för mångfunktionella utemiljöer för lek, lärande och stärkta
    ekosystemtjänster (Formas 2021-2024)
  • Overcoming climate change worry: how action competence can
    contribute to psychological well being among young adults (2024-2025)


Tobias came to the School of Education and Communication in 2013 after research education and work as Post Doc and Assistant Professor at Linköping University. Tobias came to Linköping University already in 1995, after having begun his university studies at the Luleå University of Technology the year before. His studies in Linköping were supplemented with a stint at the Åbo Academy in Finland, and he also spent time at the University of Salford in Great Britain. Tobias began his doctoral studies in the Linköping University Department of Child Studies in 2003 and in 2008 Tobias presented his doctoral thesis, "Children’s Work in Sweden. A part of childhood, a path to adulthood".