Karin Wennström

Assistant Professor of Media and Communications
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication


Karin M Wennström is presently involved in democracy as presentation, communication and participation. The projects involve the investigation of communication within processes of involvement. Especially, the projects focus on the enactment of democracy with regards to learning/development, gender and intercultural competence as well as on boundaries of contribution.


Karin M Wennström, born 1961, is senior lecturer in Media and Communication Science at the School of Education and Communication since 2006. In 1995 she received a PhD in Communication Studies at Linköping University. Her thesis was entitled "Å andras vägnar. LL-boken som litteratur-, kultur- och handikappolitiskt experiment". (On the Behalf of Others. Easy Readers as an Experiment in Literature, Cultural and Handicap Politics) During 1995-1999 she was a senior lecturer in Education at Örebro University. 2000-2006 she was teacher and senior adviser in Management and Empowerment.