Ecosystem services

Ecosystem services are central content for the subject of biology in grades 4-6 as well as in grades 7-9. Ecosystem service is not a scientific concept, but rather can be seen as a pedagogical tool to illustrate the benefit humanity has from a variety of services that are supplied through the natural ecosystems. Examples of ecosystem services are pollination, climate regulation, seed dispersal and natural water purification.

What happens in teaching and learning when an interdisciplinary concept such as ecosystem services is introduced as central content in curricula? It is an example of what the research group investigates in this direction.

Forest gardens in preschool and school

The research group follows the activities at Holma Forest Garden, including their educational project for children, Bärfis. The research group contributes to spreading knowledge about forest garden didactics at conferences and in collaboration with schools and preschools.

With the support of Formas 2016-2020, researchers at Jönköping University are carrying out this development and research project in collaboration with, among others, Region Jönköping County and Riksbyggen.


Maria Hammarsten (2020). ”Det viktigaste är att växterna får leva och Pdf, 3.1 MB, opens in new window.
sånt”: en studie om att förebygga barns växtblindhet Pdf, 3.1 MB, opens in new window.

Almers, E., Askerlund, P., & Kjellström, S. (2018). Why forest gardening for children? Swedish forest garden educators' ideas, purposes, and experiences. The Journal of Environmental Education 49(3), 242-259.

Hammarsten, M., Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Avery, H., & Samuelsson, T. (2018). Developing ecological literacy in a forest garden: children’s perspectives. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.

Askerlund, P., & Almers, E. (2016). Forest gardens – new opportunities for urban children to understand and develop relationships with other organisms. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (pp. 187-197).

Hammarsten, Maria (2022). Skogsträdgårdsvistelser ur barns perspektiv Pdf, 7.7 MB, opens in new window.
– Speglat under samtalspromenader Pdf, 7.7 MB, opens in new window.

Magnusson, Andreas. (2017). Från ett perspektiv på ekologiska processer till ett verktyg för att diskutera hållbarhetsfrågor: Hur ekosystemtjänster - ett nytt ämnesinnehåll, kan ta form i undervisingspraktiken.

Draper, Elaine, & Severinsson, Frida. (2011). En studie om hur lärarstudenter resonerar om människans beroende av naturen.

Skoglund, Ellen. (2011). Ekosystemtjänster i grundskolan. En studie utifrån kunskapsemfaser.

Brag, Ingela. (2018). Elevers användning och uppfattningar om en skolträdgård: en enkätstudie med elever i årskurs 4-6.

​Johansson, Lisa. (2018). Möjlighet till odling för all dem som inte har den möjligheten hemma. En enkätstudie om hur skolträgården används i det pedagogiska arbetet på en skola i södra Sverige.

Persson, Stina (2015). Här odlar humlorna en äng: Skogsträdgården som pedagogiskt uterum