The research seminars at the School of Education and Communication are open to all researchers, teachers and doctoral students at the university. No preregistration is required.

Upcoming seminars 2024

1 October - Final review seminar: Jens Alvén Sjöberg

Welcome to Jens Alvén Sjöberg's final review seminar in Media and Communications with the title "Communicating a sense of safety: The case of the Swedish Police Authority strategic social media communication".

Time: 10:00-12:00
Place: Ha208, HLK

18 October - Mid-way review seminar: Tina Yngvesson

Welcome to Tina Yngvesson's mid-wat review seminar in Education with the title "Parent engagement in the Swedish preschool - an interview study from the parent perspective".

Time: 13:00-15:00
Place: Zoom:

20 November - Mid-way review seminar: Margareta Lindström

Welcome to Margareta Lindström's mid-way review seminar in Education with the title "Läsaktiviteter med bilderböcker i förskolan"!

Time: 13:00-15:00
Place: A521, University of Borås and Zoom:

27 November - Mid-way review seminar: Johan Bäcklund

Welcome to Johan Bäcklund's fmid-way review seminar in Education with the title "On the whats, whys, wheres, whens and hows of teaching, learning and communicating in the 21st century".

Time: 13:00-15:00
Place: Ha208 and Zoom:

13 December - Mid-way review seminar: Asia Della Rosa

Welcome to Asia Della Rosa's fmid-way review seminar in Education with the title "Addressing Whiteness in Swedish Higher Education: A Collection of Essays on Policies, Spaces, Experiences and Practices".

Time: 13:00-15:00
Place: Ha208 and Zoom:

About the seminars

The overall theme of the seminars is “Education and communication”, but the seminars deal with different subjects, theories and methods.

Some seminars are mandatory:

  • Research plan seminars are held in the research environment to which the doctoral student belongs. On this occasion, the doctoral student gives a brief oral presentation of his or her research plan, whereafter another doctoral student (if there is one in the review group) and a researcher from the research environment discuss the content of the proposal, giving their opinions and providing guidance on how to proceed.
  • During the process of writing the licentiate/doctoral thesis, the doctoral student must present the merits of the thesis at one or two public seminars, depending on the type of degree pursued: a mid-way review seminar (doctoral degree) and a final review seminar (licentiate and doctoral degrees). The public seminars are led by an external reviewer.