Welcome CeFEO Guest Dr Ludvig Levasseur
Ludvig Levasseur from Indiana University, Blommington will be visiting CeFEO from the 11th September to the 2nd October.

Ludvig is a Junior Research Fellow at the Institute for Development Strategies, SPEA, Indiana University, Bloomington. He investigates the phenomena related to time perspective and entrepreneurial alertness and he is interested in mixed methods, family business, and venture capital. Ludvig will present a research seminar on the 25th September.
The Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO) at Jönkoping International Business School (JIBS) invite PhD students and faculty members to spend a visiting research period at JIBS in a rich research environment with the goal of cooperating with us and strengthening your research in the areas of ownership and family business.
If you are interested in visiting CeFEO, please contact Massimo Bau