Anders Jarfors

Professor material och tillverkning - gjutning
Forskarutbildningsämnesansvarig, material och tillverkningsprocesser


Forskningsområdet omfattar teknik för framställning av gjutna komponenter, såväl för processenkedjan som struktur och egenskaper, samt fenomen som är av betydelse för komponenternas kvalitet.

Av särskilt intresse är att skapa möjligheter för en effektiv användning av modellering och simulering i de olika delarna i tillverkningskedjan från smälta till färdiga komponenter. Särskilt fokus ligger på materialegenskaper under tillverkningsprocessen och den färdiga komponenten. Hållbar utveckling är ett viktigt inslag för komponentframställning, där särskilt fokus ligger på grunder för att maximera användningen av lokala materialegenskaper, liksom högt processutbyte genom optimering av material, processväg och val av processparameter för defektfria gjutjärnsprodukter.

Pågående forskning

  • Legering och processutveckling för tillverkning av högpresterande komponenter för telekomtillämpningar
  • Ultra höghållfasta Mg-baserade legeringar


Anders Jarfors har varit examinator och föreläsare i flera kurser inom kandidat-, master- och doktorsutbildningen vid KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm). Han har undervisat i kurser i materialvetenskap, gjutning och tillverkningteknik. Han är författare till två böcker, en i Tillverkningsteknologi och en i Simulering och modellering i materialprocesser.


Född 1963 i Trollhättan, är Anders Jarfors, med sin flytt till Jönköping, nästan tillbaka där allt började! Anders Jarfors har en master och en doktorsexamen från KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm). 1990 tilldelades han "Young Scientist Award" av European Materials Research Society och år 2000 blev han docent.

2000 var ett händelserikt år, då han lämnade KTH för Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore, som Senior Research Fellow. Institutet omorganiserades senare och blev Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) där han var verksam som "Senior Scientist".

Arbetet vid SIMTech var huvudsakligen processrelaterad problemlösning åt underleverantörer i Singapore och Malaysia, som tillverkade komponenter för telekom, diskenheter och bilindustrin. 2003 var han utlånad på 80% till MMI som Senior Engineer och som tf Head of Engineering för att hantera den tekniska delen av överföringen av en hel fabrik från USA till Singapore. De övriga 20 procenten ägnades åt handledning av studenter som utvecklade biomaterial och biokompatibla ytbeläggningar.

2004 var det dags att flytta igen då Anders Jarfors blev avdelningschef för legeringsutveckling och senare affärsområdeschef vid Korrosions och metallforskningsintituitet (SwereaKIMAB) i Stockholm, direkt underställd VD. Han hade ansvar för verksamheten inom gjutning och stelning, pulvermetallurgi, termodynamik, termomekanisk bearbetning, metallografi och Analytisk Kemi. Forskningen som utfördes var ren "contract research", främst när det gäller materialutveckling och processutveckling för svensk metallindustrin, inklusive stål och pulvermetallurgisk verksamhet, med klienter som de stora svenska stålproducenterna.

2007 återvände Anders Jarfors till Singapore Institue of Manufacturing Technology som senior forskare och var samtidigt teknisk chef för SERC Aerospace programmet. Han hade även rollen som expertkonsult för den Precision Engineering Centre of Innovation för flygsektorn och för värmebehandling. Huvuddelen av forskningen relaterades dock till gjutning med fokus på bilkomponenter, elektronikkylning och vitvaror. Anders Jarfors utsågs också till adjungerad biträdande professor vid School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering vid Nanyang Technological University. Här fokuserade forskningen på plåtformning som superplastisk formning och mikrostansning. Ett stort forskningsbidrag beviljades vars inriktning var att utveckla ultra höghållfasta Mg-baserade metalliska glas. Detta arbete pågår fortfarande.


Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A. (2025). Room and High-Temperature Wear Behaviour of Al-Based MMCs against an Automotive Brake Pad Progress in Composite Materials. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Jarfors, A., Ghassemali, E. (2024). A simple procedure to assess the Complete Melt Quality in aluminium castings: implementation in a die-casting and a rheo-casting International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 37(1), 71-79. More information
Yang, S., Wang, K., Jarfors, A., Sun, Z., Li, Q., Wang, Z., Huang, Z. (2024). Electron Backscatter Diffraction Investigation on Microstructure Evolution of TiB2(p)/Al-Cu Composite after Single-Pass Equal Channel Angular Pressing for Formability Assessment Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print). More information
Rolseth, A., Carlsson, M., Ghassemali, E., Pérez Caro, L., Jarfors, A. (2024). Impact of functional integration and electrification on aluminium scrap in the automotive sector: A review Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 205. More information
Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Awe, S. (2024). On the possibility of using secondary alloys in the production of aluminum-based metal matrix composite Crystals, 14(4). More information
Zhang, Q., Liljenfors, T., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (2024). On the application of reduced pressure test for the prediction of ductility of 46000 alloy: Role of pore's morphology and distribution Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 31, 927-934. More information
Li, Z., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2024). Sustainable choices of alloying element for aluminium for thermal conductivity in circular manufacturing Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 40. More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P., Lattanzi, L. (2024). Smart-Cast: An AI-Based System for Semisolid Casting Process Control Procedia Computer Science, 232, 2440-2447. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2024). The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the mechanical behaviour of an Al–Si–Mg alloy component International Journal of metalcasting, 18, 2882-2892. More information
Matsushita, T., Zamani, M., Kump, A., Jarfors, A. (2024). Evaluation of the Critical Times for the Crack Susceptibility Coefficient Calculation International Journal of metalcasting, 18, 1414-1423. More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Steggo, J., Lattanzi, L., Jansson, P. (2024). On the potential of using ensemble learning algorithm to approach the partitioning coefficient (k) value in Scheil–Gulliver equation Materials Genome Engineering Advances, 2(3). More information
Tiryakioğlu, M., Jarfors, A., Leitner, M. (2023). The Impact of the Minimum Ductility Requirement in Automotive Castings on the Carbon Dioxide Footprint throughout the Useful Life of an Electric Car Metals, 13(3). More information
Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2023). Role of matrix alloy, reinforcement size and fraction in the sliding wear behaviour of Al-SiCp MMCs against brake pad material Wear, 530-531. More information
Belov, I., Matsushita, T., Johansson, A., Jarfors, A. (2023). Simulation and Experimental Methodology for Virtual Prototyping of Annealed Industrial Coils Heat Transfer Engineering, 44(4), 353-367. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2023). On the combined effects of surface quality and pore size on the fatigue life of Al–7Si–3Cu–Mg alloy castings Materials Science & Engineering: A, 885. More information
Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (2023). Four-point bending fatigue behavior of rheocast AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy: Role of the surface liquid segregation International Journal of Fatigue, 175. More information
Jones, C., Jarfors, A., Rogers, E., Vrethed, P., Silva, P., Jolly, M. (2023). A mathematical examination of the impact of mould transparency to infrared radiation on solidification during the investment casting process IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1281(1). More information
Zaffarani, P., Zhang, Q., Jarfors, A., Timelli, G. (2023). Influence of stirring process during slurry formation on the casting defects and high-temperature fatigue of rheocast AlSi7Mg alloys IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1274(1). More information
Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Liljenfors, T., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2023). On the Effectiveness of Rotary Degassing of Recycled Al-Si Alloy Melts: The Effect on Melt Quality and Energy Consumption for Melt Preparation Sustainability, 15(6). More information
Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2023). On the efficient particle dispersion and transfer in the fabrication of SiC-particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composite Crystals, 13(12). More information
Jarfors, A. (2023). On the Generation of Excess Solid Fraction in the RheoMetal Process Metals, 13(10). More information
Zhang, Q., Liljenfors, T., Jansson, S., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (2023). Effect of Na-based flux on melt quality assessment of 46,000 alloys Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27, 1830-1842. More information
Jarfors, A. (2023). Aluminium MMC bromsskivor: Lösningen för att få stopp på utsläpp Aluminium Scandinavia, 30-31. More information
Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2022). Selecting Cast Alloy Alloying Elements Suitable for a Circular Society Sustainability, 14(11). More information
Santos, J., Zhu, B., Zanella, C., Jarfors, A. (2022). Fatigue Crack Initiation on Semi-Solid Al–7Si–Mg Castings Metals, 12(7). More information
Jarfors, A., Jafari, M., Aqeel, M., Liljeqvist, P., Jansson, P. (2022). In-Production Rheometry of Semi-Solid Metal Slurries Metals, 12(7). More information
Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2022). Tag-and-Trace Method of α-Al Crystals Applied to Study Solidification and Casting of Aluminum Alloys Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 53, 3311-3320. More information
Jarfors, A., Du, A., Zhou, J., Zheng, J., Yu, G. (2022). On the In-Die Conditions and Process Parameter Settings in Indirect Squeeze Casting Technologies, 10(1). More information
Matsushita, T., Belov, I., Johansson, A., Jarfors, A. (2022). Influence of contact pressure on the thermal contact conductance of layered metallic sheets High Temperatures-High Pressures, 51(1), 63-82. More information
Jarfors, A., Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S. (2022). An a Priori Discussion of the Fill Front Stability in Semisolid Casting Technologies, 10(3). More information
Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zhou, J., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2022). The Influence of Ce, La, and SiC Particles Addition on the Formability of an Al-Si-Cu-Mg-Fe SiCp-MMC Materials, 15(11). More information
Lattanzi, L., Etienne, A., Li, Z., Chandrashekar, G., Gonapati, S., Awe, S., Jarfors, A. (2022). The effect of Ni and Zr additions on hardness, elastic modulus and wear performance of Al-SiCp composite Tribology International, 169. More information
Lattanzi, L., Etienne, A., Li, Z., Manjunath, T., Nixon, N., Jarfors, A., Awe, S. (2022). The influence of Ni and Zr additions on the hot compression properties of Al-SiCp composites Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 905. More information
Du, A., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2021). The influence of la and ce on microstructure and mechanical properties of an al-si-cu-mg-fe alloy at high temperature Metals, 11(3). More information
Jarfors, A., Shashidhar, A., Yepur, H., Steggo, J., Andersson, N., Stolt, R. (2021). Build strategy and impact strength of slm produced maraging steel (1.2709) Metals, 11(1), 1-20. More information
Rivalta, F., Ceschini, L., Jarfors, A., Stolt, R. (2021). Effect of scanning strategy in the l‐pbf process of 18ni300 maraging steel Metals, 11(5). More information
Jarfors, A., Matsushita, T., Siafakas, D., Stolt, R. (2021). On the nature of the anisotropy of Maraging steel (1.2709) in additive manufacturing through powder bed laser-based fusion processing Materials & design, 204. More information
Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2021). Formation of coarse silicon near the surface of Al-7Si-Mg semi-solid castings Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 52, 5140-5145. More information
Jarfors, A., Zhou, J., Du, A., Zheng, J., Yu, G. (2021). On the Part Quality, Process Parameters and In-Die Pressures in Indirect Squeeze Casting Technologies, 9(4). More information
Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2021). Effect of Process Parameters on Distortion and Residual Stress in High-Pressure Die Cast AZ91D Components After Clean Blasting and Painting International Journal of metalcasting, 15(1), 241-258. More information
Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2021). A design of fuzzy inference systems to predict tensile properties of as-cast alloy The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 113(3-4), 1111-1123. More information
Jarfors, A., Ghasemi, R., Awe, S., Jammula, C. (2021). Comparison between high-pressure die-cast and rheo-cast aluminium-SICp MMC; wear and friction behaviour La Metallurgia Italiana, 13-18. More information
Matsushita, T., Belov, I., Siafakas, D., Jarfors, A., Watanabe, M. (2021). Interfacial phenomena between molten iron and molten slag–Effect of nitrogen on the Marangoni convection Journal of Materials Science, 56, 7811-7822. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2021). The complex interaction between microstructural features and crack evolution during cyclic testing in heat-treated Al–Si–Mg–Cu cast alloys Materials Science & Engineering: A, 825. More information
Jarfors, A., Sevastopol, R., Seshendra, K., Zhang, Q., Steggo, J., Stolt, R. (2021). On the Use of Conformal Cooling in High-Pressure Die-Casting and Semisolid Casting Technologies, 9(2). More information
Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (2021). On the Role of Stirring on Microstructure and Ductility of Rheocast Al Alloys JOM: The Member Journal of TMS, 73(12), 3848-3857. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Schmidt, P., Jarfors, A., Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2021). Fatigue limit and microstructure in lamellar graphite iron Materials Science & Engineering: A, 802. More information
Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2021). On the hardness and elastic modulus of phases in SiC-reinforced Al composite: Role of La and Ce addition Materials, 14(21). More information
Jarfors, A., Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S. (2020). Feeding and pore formation in semisolid metal casting Metals, 10(11), 1-6. More information
Jarfors, A. (2020). A comparison between semisolid casting methods for aluminium alloys Metals, 10(10), 1-15. More information
Santos, J., Dahle, A., Jarfors, A. (2020). Magnesium solubility in primary α-al and heat treatment response of cast Al-7Si-Mg Metals, 10(5). More information
Salomonsson, K., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2020). Modeling and Analysis of a Screw Fitting Assembly Process Involving a Cast Magnesium Component Frontiers in Materials, 7. More information
Jarfors, A., Du, A., Yu, G., Zheng, J., Wang, K. (2020). On the sustainable choice of alloying elements for strength of aluminum-based alloys Sustainability, 12(3). More information
Tarasov, V., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2020). Fuzzy logic-based modelling of yield strength of as-cast A356 alloy Neural Computing & Applications, 32(10), 5833-5844. More information
Ghasemi, R., Johansson, J., Ståhl, J., Jarfors, A. (2019). Load effect on scratch micro-mechanisms of solution strengthened Compacted Graphite Irons Tribology International, 133, 182-192. More information
Zhu, B., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2019). A study of anodising behaviour of Al-Si components produced by rheocasting Solid State Phenomena, 285, 39-44. More information
Thipprakmas, S., Aue-u-lan, Y., Jarfors, A., Jirathearanat, S. (2019). Computational Methods in Design and Manufacturing Processes Mathematical problems in engineering (Print), 1. More information
Ghassemali, E., Hernando, J., Stefanescu, D., Diószegi, A., Jarfors, A., Dluhoš, J., Petrenec, M. (2019). Revisiting the graphite nodule in ductile iron Scripta Materialia, 161, 66-69. More information
Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2019). Formation of Iron-Rich Intermetallic Phases in Al-7Si-Mg: Influence of Cooling Rate and Strontium Modification Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 50(9), 4148-4165. More information
Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2019). Fuzzy Logic Based Modelling of Cast Component Properties IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1132-1137. More information
Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Lindgren, L., Jarfors, A. (2018). Optimization and validation of a dislocation density based constitutive model for as-cast Mg-9%Al-1%Zn Materials Science & Engineering: A, 710, 17-26. More information
Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2018). Effect of process parameters on distortion and residual stress of high-pressure die-cast AZ91D components International Journal of metalcasting, 12(3), 487-497. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Diószegi, A. (2018). On the Formation of Micro-Shrinkage Porosities in Ductile Iron Cast Components , 8(7). More information
Malakizadi, A., Ghasemi, R., Behring, C., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Nyborg, L., Krajnik, P. (2018). Effects of workpiece microstructure, mechanical properties and machining conditions on tool wear when milling compacted graphite iron Wear, 410-411, 190-201. More information
Matsushita, T., Saro, A., Elmquist, L., Jarfors, A. (2018). On the thermal conductivity of CGI and SGI cast irons International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 31(3), 135-143. More information
Sujakhu, S., Castagne, S., Sakaguchi, M., Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Wang, W. (2018). On the fatigue damage micromechanisms in Si-solution-strengthened spheroidal graphite cast iron Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 41(3), 625-641. More information
Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2018). Abrasion resistance of lamellar graphite iron: Interaction between microstructure and abrasive particles Tribology International, 120, 465-475. More information
Raza, M., Svenningsson, R., Irwin, M., Fägerström, B., Jarfors, A. (2018). Effects of process related variations on fillablity simulation of thin-walled IN718 structures International Journal of metalcasting, 12(3), 543-553. More information
Siafakas, D., Matsushita, T., Jarfors, A., Hakamada, S., Watanabe, M. (2018). Viscosity of SiO2–CaO–Al2O3 slag with low silica – Influence of CaO/Al2O3, SiO2/Al2O3 ratio ISIJ International, 58(12), 2180-2185. More information
Siafakas, D., Matsushita, T., Lauenstein, Å., Ekerot, S., Jarfors, A. (2018). A particle population analysis in Ti- and Al-deoxidized Hadfield steels International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 31(3), 125-134. More information
Siafakas, D., Matsushita, T., Hakamada, S., Onodera, K., Kargl, F., Jarfors, A., Watanabe, M. (2018). Measurement of Viscosity of SiO2-CaO-Al2O3 Slag in Wide Temperature Range by Aerodynamic Levitation and Rotating Bob Methods and Sources of Systematic Error , 35(2). More information
Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2018). Three-dimensional microstructural characterization of cast iron alloys for numerical analyses Materials Science Forum, 925, 427-435. More information
Ghasemi, R., Jarfors, A. (2018). Scratch behaviour of silicon solid solution strengthened ferritic compacted graphite iron (CGI) Materials Science Forum, 318-325. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ciavatta, M., Ghassemali, E., Svensson, I., Jarfors, A. (2018). Effect of Boron and Cross-Section Thickness on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ductile Iron Materials Science Forum, 925, 249-256. More information
Santos, J., Kallien, L., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2018). Influence of grain refinement on slurry formation and surface segregation in semi-solid Al-7Si-0.3Mg castings Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 49A(10), 4871-4883. More information
Maryam, E., Payandeh, M., Deflorian, F., Jarfors, A., Zanella, C. (2018). Effect of Segregation and Surface Condition on Corrosion of Rheo-HPDC Al–Si Alloys Metals, 8(4). More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Sujakhu, S., Castagne, S., Jarfors, A. (2018). Microstructural strain mapping during in-situ cyclic testing of ductile iron Materials Characterization, 140, 333-339. More information
Raza, M., Silva, P., Irwin, M., Fagerström, B., Jarfors, A. (2018). Effects of process related variations on defect formation in investment cast components Archives of Foundry Engineering, 18(1), 103-108. More information
Ghasemi, R., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Svensson, I. (2017). Modelling and simulation of local mechanical properties of high silicon solution-strengthened ferritic compacted graphite iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 30(3), 125-132. More information
Zamani, M., Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Lindgren, L., Seifeddine, S., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2017). A dislocation density based constitutive model for as-cast Al-Si alloys: Effect of temperature and microstructure International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 121, 164-170. More information
Matsushita, T., Saro, A., Elmquist, L., Jarfors, A. (2017). On the specific heat and thermal diffusivity of CGI and SGI cast irons International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 30(5), 276-282. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Svensson, I., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A. (2017). Characterization and modeling of the mechanical behavior of high silicon ductile iron Materials Science & Engineering: A, 708, 159-170. More information
Payandeh, M., Sabzevar, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2017). Solidification and re-melting phenomena during slurry preparation using the RheoMetal™ process Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, process metallurgy and materials processing science, 48(6). More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Sujakhu, S., Castagne, S., Jarfors, A. (2017). Strain localization and crack formation effects on stress-strain response of ductile iron Materials Science & Engineering: A, 702, 265-271. More information
Awe, S., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A., Lee, Y., Dahle, A. (2017). Development of new Al-Cu-Si alloys for high temperature performance Advanced Materials Letters, 8(6), 695-701. More information
Jarfors, A., Castagne, S., Danno, A., Zhang, X. (2017). Tool wear and life span variations in cold forming operations and their implications in microforming. More information
Siafakas, D., Matsushita, T., Lauenstein, Å., Jarfors, A., Ekengård, J. (2017). The Influence of Deoxidation Practice on the As-Cast Grain Size of Austenitic Manganese Steels Metals, 7(6). More information
Rastegari, H., Kermanpur, A., Najafizadeh, A., Somani, M., Porter, D., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2016). Determination of processing maps for the warm working of vanadium microalloyed eutectoid steels Materials Science and Engineering: A, 658, 167-175. More information
Jarfors, A. (2016). Yielding and failure of hot chamber die cast thin-walled AZ91D Metallurgia Italiana, 108(6), 53-56 Milano: Associazione italiana di metallurgia . More information
Payandeh, M., Sjölander, E., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2016). Influence of microstructure and heat treatment on thermal conductivity of rheocast and liquid die cast Al-6Si-2Cu-Zn alloy International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 29(4), 202-213. More information
Esmaily, M., Mortazavi, N., Svensson, J., Halvarsson, M., Wessén, M., Johansson, L., Jarfors, A. (2016). A new semi-solid casting technique for fabricating SiC-reinforced Mg alloys matrix composites Composites Part B: Engineering, 94, 176-189. More information
Payandeh, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2016). Solidification sequence and evolution of microstructure during rheocasting of four Al-Si-Mg-Fe alloys with Low Si content Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 47(3), 1215-1228. More information
Esmaily, M. Mortazavi, N. Svensson, J. Halvarsson, M. Jarfors, A. Wessén, M. , ... Johansson L. (2016). On the microstructure and corrosion behavior of AZ91/SiC composites produced by rheocasting Materials Chemistry and Physics, 180, 29-37. More information
Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L., Svensson, H., König, M., Jarfors, A. (2016). Mechanical properties of solid solution-strengthened CGI International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 29(1-2), 98-105. More information
Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2016). Filling, Feeding and Defect Formation of Thick-Walled AlSi7Mg0.3 Semi-Solid Castings Solid State Phenomena, 256, 222-227. More information
Belov, I., Jarfors, A. (2016). Simulering av prestandan hos rheogjutna kylflänsar , 49-. More information
Payandeh, M., Belov, I., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2016). Effect of Material Inhomogeneity on Thermal Performance of a Rheocast Aluminum Heatsink for Electronics Cooling Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print), 25(6), 2116-2127. More information
Kasvayee, K., Salomonsson, K., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2016). Microstructural strain distribution in ductile iron: Comparison between finite element simulation and digital image correlation measurements Materials Science & Engineering: A, 655, 27-35. More information
Payandeh, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2016). The effect of microstructural inhomogeneity on thermal diffusivity in a rheocast component La Metallurgia Italiana, 108(6), 57-60 Milano: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia . More information
Siafakas, D., Matsushita, T., Jarfors, A., Lauenstein, Å., Ekerot, S. (2016). Particles precipitation in Ti and Al deoxidized Hadfield steels Steel Research International, 87(10), 1344-1355. More information
Zhu, B., Leisner, P., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2016). Influence of Si and cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Si–Mg cast alloys Surface and Interface Analysis, 48(8), 861-869. More information
Zhu, B., Seifeddine, S., Persson, P., Jarfors, A., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2016). A study of formation and growth of the anodised surface layer on cast Al-Si alloys based on different analytical techniques Materials & design, 101, 254-262. More information
Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2016). The effects of Fe-particles on the tensile properties of Al-Si-Cu alloys Metals, 6(12). More information
Jarfors, A. (2016). Casting Alloy Design and Modification Metals, 6(1). More information
Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2016). Effect of Mg17Al12 Fraction on Mechanical Properties of Mg-9%Al-1%Zn Cast Alloy Metals, 6(10). More information
Esmaily, M. Mortazavi, S. Shahabi-Navid, M. Svensson, J. Halvarsson, M. Nyborg, L. , ... Johansson L. (2015). Effect of Rheocasting on Corrosion of AM50 Mg Alloy Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 162(3), C85-C95. More information
Esmaily, M. Mortazavi, S. Svensson, J. Halvarsson, M. Blücher, D. Jarfors, A. , ... Johansson L. (2015). Atmospheric Corrosion of Mg Alloy AZ91D Fabricated by aSemi-Solid Casting Technique: The Influence of Microstructure Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 162(7), C311-C321. More information
Borkar, H., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). In-situ EBSD study of deformation behavior of Al-Si-Cu alloys during tensile testing Materials & design, 84, 36-47. More information
Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). High Temperature Tensile Deformation Behaviour and Failure Process of an Al-Si-Cu-Mg Cast Alloy: The Microstructural Scale Effect Materials & design, 86, 361-370. More information
Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). On the complexity of the relationship between microstructure and tensile properties in cast aluminum International Journal of Modern Physics B, 29(10-11). More information
Borkar, H., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructure analysis of Al-Si-Cu alloys prepared by gradient solidification technique International Journal of Modern Physics B, 29(10-11). More information
Jarfors, A., Rigovacca, D., Payandeh, M., Wessén, M., Seifeddine, S., Jansson, P. (2015). Influence of process parameters on surface appearance and roughness of a low Si containing Al-alloy, in semisolid casting Solid State Phenomena, 217-218, 318-324 Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Inc. . More information
Payandeh, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2015). Influence of Microstructural Inhomogeneity on Fracture Behaviour in SSM-HPDC Al-Si-Cu-Fe Component with Low Si Content Solid State Phenomena, 217-218, 67-74 Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Inc. . More information
Matsushita, T., Ghassemali, E., Saro, A., Elmquist, L., Jarfors, A. (2015). On Thermal Expansion and Density of CGI and SGI Cast Irons Metals, 5(2), 1000-1019. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Wahb, C., Lim, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). Effect of cold-work on the Hall–Petch breakdown in copper based micro-components Mechanics of materials, 80, part A, 124-135. More information
Ceschini, L., Jarfors, A., Morri, A., Rotundo, F., Seifeddine, S., Toschi, S. (2014). High temperature tensile behaviour of the A354 aluminum alloy Materials Science Forum, 794-796, 443-448. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Lim, S., Wah, C., Jarfors, A. (2014). Experimental and Simulation of Friction Effects in an Open-Die Microforging/Extrusion Process , 2(1), 011005-. More information
Esmaily, M. Shahabi-Navid, M. Mortazavi, N. Svensson, J. Halvarsson, M. Wessen, M. , ... Johansson L. (2014). Microstructural characterization of the Mg-Al alloy AM50 produced by a newly developed rheo-casting process Materials Characterization, 95, 50-64. More information
Östklint, M., Wessen, M., Jarfors, A. (2014). Microstructure and material soundness in liquid and rheocast AM50 and effect of section thickness International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 27(4), 235-241. More information
Jarfors, A., Butler, D., Goi, K. (2014). Microstructure formation of porous sintered Ti-Si-Zr compacts with mechanically alloyed-activated Ti-Si and TiH2 powders Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 594, 202-210. More information
Carlberg, T., Jarfors, A. (2014). On vertical drag defects formation during direct chill (DC) casting of aluminum billets Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, process metallurgy and materials processing science, 45(1), 175-181. More information
Ceschini, L., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Morri, A., Rotundo, F., Toschi, S. (2014). Influence of SDAS on the high temperature tensile behavior of the C355 Al alloy Materials Science Forum, 783-786, 228-233. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Chua, B., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Grain size and workpiece dimension effects on material flow in an open-die micro-forging/extrusion process Materials Science & Engineering: A, 582(10), 379-388. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Progressive microforming process: Towards the mass production of micro-parts using sheet metal The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 66(5-8), 611-621. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Optimization of axisymmetric open-die micro-forging/extrusion processes: An upper bound approach International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 71, 58-67. More information
Payandeh, M., Jarfors, A., Wessen, M. (2013). Effect of superheat on melting rate of EEM of Al alloys during stirring using the RheoMetal process Solid State Phenomena, 192-193, 392-397. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Lim, S. (2013). On the microstructure of micro-pins manufactured by a novel progressive microforming process International Journal of Material Forming, 6(1), 65-74. More information
Ding, X., Jarfors, A., Lim, G., Shaw, K., Liu, Y., Tang, L. (2012). A study of the cutting performance of poly-crystalline oxygen free copper with single crystalline diamond micro-tools Precision engineering, 36(1), 141-152. More information
Wang, Y., Tan, M., Jarfors, A. (2012). Corrosion Behavior and Surface Analysis of Melt-spun Mg-based Metallic Glass in Physiological Saline Solution Materials Science Forum, 706-709, 606-611 Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Inc. . More information
Wang, Y., Tan, M., Jarfors, A. (2012). Corrosion performance of melt-spun Mg 67Zn 28Ca 5 metallic glass in artificial sweat Journal of Materials Science, 47(18), 6586-6592. More information
Fu, X., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Gupta, M. (2011). Processing and properties of amorphous magnesium-based eco-materials Materials Science Forum, 695, 186-189. More information
Liu, J., Tan, M., Aue-U-Lan, Y., Jarfors, A., Fong, K., Castagne, S. (2011). Superplastic-like forming of non-superplastic AA5083 combined with mechanical pre-forming The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 52(1-4), 123-129. More information
Shanthi, M., Gupta, M., Jarfors, A., Tan, M. (2011). Synthesis, characterization and mechanical properties of nano alumina particulate reinforced magnesium based bulk metallic glass composites Materials Science & Engineering: A, 528(18), 6045-6050. More information
Jarfors, A., Yong, J., Kainer, K., Tan, M. (2010). Preface , 31(SUPPL. 1), S1-. More information
Danno, A., Wong, C., Tong, S., Jarfors, A., Nishino, K., Furuta, T. (2010). Effect of cold severe deformation by multi directional forging on elastic modulus of multi functional Ti+25mol% (Ta,Nb,V)+(Zr,Hr,O) alloy , 31(SUPPL. 1), S61-S65. More information
Liu, J., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Aue-u-lan, Y., Castagne, S. (2010). Formability in AA5083 and AA6061 alloys for light weight applications , 31(SUPPL. 1), S66-S70. More information
Bi, G., Ng, G., Teh, K., Jarfors, A. (2010). Feasibility study on the Laser Aided Additive Manufacturing of die inserts for liquid forging , 31(SUPPL. 1), S112-S116. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Lim, S., Chew, M. (2010). Investigation of microstructure and hardness in microfoming of pure copper pins Key Engineering Materials, 447-448, 381-385. More information
Goh, C., Gupta, M., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Wei, J. (2010). Magnesium and Aluminium carbon nanotube composites Key Engineering Materials, 425, 245-261. More information
Su, C., Oon, P., Bai, Y., Jarfors, A. (2010). Mechanical properties and microstructure of aluminum alloy Al-6061 obtained by the liquid forging process Materials Science Forum, 654-656, 1420-1423. More information
Liu, J., Tan, M., Castagne, S., Aue-u-lan, Y., Fong, K., Jarfors, A. (2010). Investigation of process parameters in superplastic forming of mechanical pre-formed sheet by FEM Key Engineering Materials, 447-448, 437-441. More information
Pang, J., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Chuang, P. (2010). Glass formation and structural study of Ti50Cu50 alloy by molecular dynamics Materials Science Forum, 638-642, 1665-1670. More information
Tan, J., Butler, D., Sim, L., Jarfors, A. (2010). Effects of laser ablation on cemented tungsten carbide surface quality Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 101(2), 265-269. More information
Ng, G., Jarfors, A., Bi, G., Zheng, H. (2009). Porosity formation and gas bubble retention in laser metal deposition Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 97(3), 641-649. More information
Goi, K., Butler, D., Jarfors, A., Yong, J., Lim, D. (2008). Elastic modulus of sintered porous Ti-Si-Zr, using activation by Ti-Si mechanically alloyed powder and TiH2 powder Materials Science & Engineering: A, 475(1-2), 45-51. More information
Fjellstedt, J., Jarfors, A. (2005). On the precipitation of TiB2 in aluminum melts from the reaction with KBF4 and K2TiF6 Materials Science & Engineering: A, 413-414, 527-532. More information
Ng, B., Annergren, I., Soutar, A., Khor, K., Jarfors, A. (2005). Characterisation of a duplex TiO2/CaP coating on Ti6Al4V for hard tissue replacement Biomaterials, 26(10), 1087-1095. More information
Gu, Y., Goh, C., Goi, L., Lim, C., Jarfors, A., Tay, B., Yong, M. (2005). Solid state synthesis of nanocrystalline and/or amorphous 50Ni-50Ti alloy Materials Science & Engineering: A, 392(1-2), 222-228. More information
Gu, Y., Goh, C., Goi, L., Lim, C., Jarfors, A., Tay, B., Yong, M. (2005). Erratum: "Solid state synthesis of nanocrystalline and/or amorphous 50Ni-50Ti alloy" (Materials Science Engineering A (2005) vol. 392 (222-228) 10.1016/j.msea.2004.09.025)) Materials Science & Engineering: A, 402(1-2), 349-350. More information
Gu, Y., Goi, L., Jarfors, A., Butler, D., Lim, C. (2004). Structural evolution in Ti-Si alloy synthesized by mechanical alloying Physica. B, Condensed matter, 352(1-4), 299-304. More information
Jarfors, A. (2004). Melting and coarsening of A356 during preheating for semisolid forming International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 17(4), 229-237. More information
Jarfors, A., Sim, G., San, T. (2003). Influence of Process Parameters on Reaction Products during Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Porous NiTi Materials Science Forum, 437-438, 475-478. More information
Jarfors, A. (2003). A Discussion of the Dynamic Specific Heat during Solidification Materials Science Forum, 437-438, 391-394 Singapore . More information
Jarfors, A., Tong, S., Hu, B., Sharma, S., Wee, C. (2003). Mechanism of lubrication-induced surface cracking in hot chamber die cast thin-walled AZ91D parts Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 18(4), 637-641. More information
Persson, P., Jarfors, A., Savage, S. (2002). Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis and liquid-phase sintering of TiC/Fe composites Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 127(2), 131-139. More information
Jarfors, A., Keife, H., Antonsson, T. (2002). Deformation enhanced liquid phase sintering (DELPS): A study on the use of partial adiabatic melting during powder consolidation Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 127(2), 159-164. More information
Fjellstedt, J., Jarfors, A., El-Benawy, T. (2001). Experimental investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the Al-rich side of the Al-B system Materials & design, 22(6), 443-449. More information
Fjellstedt, J., Jarfors, A. (2001). Experimental and theoretical study of the Al-rich corner in the ternary Al-Ti-B system and reassessment of the Al-rich side of the binary Al-B phase diagram Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 92(6), 563-571. More information
Jarfors, A. (1999). Influence of carbon on the phases in the copper-titanium system and their precipitation Journal of Materials Science, 34(18), 4533-4544. More information
El-Mahallawy, N., Taha, M., Jarfors, A., Fredriksson, H. (1999). On the reaction between aluminum, K2TiF6 and KBF4 Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 292(1-2), 221-229. More information
Jarfors, A. (1999). Peritecticlike precipitation of titanium carbide in Al-Ti-C melts at 1373 K Materials Science and Technology, 15(5), 481-494. More information
Fjellstedt, J., Jarfors, A., Svendsen, L. (1999). Experimental analysis of the intermediary phases AlB2, AlB12 and TiB2 in the Al-B and Al-Ti-B systems Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 283(1-2), 192-197. More information
Jarfors, A. (1998). Solidification behaviour of AI-7% Si-0.3% Mg during rotary spray forming Journal of Materials Science, 33(15), 3907-3918. More information
Jarfors, A. (1997). On the design of a rotary spray former: Experimental and theoretical background Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 71(3), 440-455. More information
Jarfors, A. (1996). Solubility of copper in titanium carbide Materials Science and Technology, 12(12), 990-994. More information
Svendsen, L., Jarfors, A. (1993). Al-Ti-C phase diagram Materials Science and Technology, 9(11), 948-957. More information
Jarfors, A., Svendsen, L., Wallinder, M., Fredriksson, H. (1993). Reactions during infiltration of graphite fibres by molten Al-Ti alloy Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 24(11), 2577-2583. More information
Bergman, A., Jarfors, A., Liu, Z., Fredriksson, H. (1992). Insitu fomation of carbide composites by liquid-solid reactions Key Engineering Materials, 79/80, 213-234. More information
Jarfors, A., Fredriksson, H., Froyen, L. (1991). On the thermodynamics and kinetics of carbides in the aluminium-rich corner of the AlTiC phase diagram Materials Science & Engineering: A, 135(C), 119-123. More information
Ekbom, L., Lei, B., Eliasson, A., Jarfors, A. (1991). Liquid phase sintering of tungsten composites under microgravity: Influence of liquid/particle surface energy Advances in Space Research, 11(7), 331-335. More information
Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Lindgren, L., Jarfors, A. . Dislocation Density Model for Flow Stress of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy-Effect of Temperature and Microstructure International journal of plasticity. More information
Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. . Effect of Mg17Al12 content on mechanical properties of AZ91D cast alloy Scripta Materialia. More information


Jarfors, A. (2024). Science theory for engineers and physicists. More information
Jarfors, B., Jarfors, A. (2018). Ordbok - dictionary: svensk - English: tillverkningsteknik - manufacturing technology. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Ceschini, L. Dahle, A. Gupta, M. Jarfors, A. Jayalakshmi, S. Morri, A. , ... Singh R. (2017). Aluminum and Magnesium Metal Matrix Nanocomposites. More information


Jarfors, A. (2023). On the Liquid Portion Composition Deviation in the RheoMetal Process. In: A. Pola, M. Tocci & A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena (pp. 55 -60). More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2023). On the Possibility of Replacing Scheil-Gulliver Modeling with Machine Learning and Neural Network Models. In: A. Pola, M. Tocci and A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena (pp. 157 -163). More information
Magrin, V., Li, Z., Jarfors, A., Bonollo, F. (2023). Mechanical and Microstructural Investigations on a Symmetric Mould Processed with Semi-Solid Aluminum RheoMetalTM: Analysis of the As-Cast Proprieties. In: A. Pola, M. Tocci and A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena (pp. 47 -52). More information
Jarfors, A. (2022). Pressure Different Casting. In: Ming Wang Fu & P. E. J. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Allloys: Volume 4 (pp. 117 -128). More information
Jarfors, A. (2022). Semisolid Casting of Metallic Parts and Structures. In: Ming Wang Fu & P. E. J. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Allloys: Volume 4 (pp. 100 -116). More information
Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S., Dahle, A., Jarfors, A. (2022). Role of Iron-Rich Phases and Porosity on the Ductility of Rheocast Al-Mg-Si-Alloys. In: J. Li & A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena (pp. 65 -70). More information
Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2014). Metal casting. In: Andrew Y. C. Nee (Ed.), Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (pp. 309 -410). London: Springer More information


Harazeen, A., Lattanzi, L., Matsushita, T., Jarfors, A. (2024). Enhanced Iron Impurity Removal in Low Fe Al-Si Alloys by Mn Addition. HTC2024, 11th International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity, May 26–30, 2024, Sweden. More information
Jarfors, A., Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L. (2024). Challenges for the automotive industry originating from the entry of functionally integrated castings for the Body in White, circularity and potential resource issues. 18th International Conference on Society & Materials (SAM18), 14-15 May 2024, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Simone, F., Giulia, B., Inma, S., Marcello, B., Alberto, C., Jarfors, A. (2024). Correlation between rheological properties and the solid fraction in Al-Si hypoeutectic alloys slurry. The 8th International Conference on Solidification and Gravity, Miskolc, Lillafüred, Hungary, 2–5 September, 2024 . More information
Jarfors, A. (2024). Klimatsmart högpresterande aluminiumplåt (KlimAl). Metalliska material Programkonferens, 13-14 mars 2024. More information
Jarfors, A. (2024). Klimatanpassat Renat Aluminium (KlirAl). Metalliska material Programkonferens, 13-14 mars 2024. More information
Lattanzi, L., Awe, S., Jansson, P., Rudenstam, C., Westergård, R., Jarfors, A. (2023). Aluminium matrix composites for lightweight components. 17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advance Materials and Processes, FEMS EUROMAT 2023, 03-07 September 2023, Germany. More information
Jarfors, A. (2023). Current state of semisolid processing. 17th International Conference on Semi Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites (S2P2023), 6-8 September 2023, Brescia, Italy. More information
Magrin, V., Bonollo, F., Jarfors, A. (2023). Mechanical and microstructural investigations on a symmetric mould processed with Semi-Solid Aluminum RheometalTM: analysis of the as cast properties. 17th International Conference on Semi Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites (S2P2023), 6-8 September 2023, Brescia, Italy. More information
Jarfors, A. (2023). On the liquid portion composition deviation in the rheometal process. 17th International Conference on Semi Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites (S2P2023), 6-8 September 2023, Brescia, Italy. More information
Jarfors, A. (2023). On the generation of excess solid fraction in the Rheometal process. 10th International Light Metals Technology Conference (LMT2023), 10–12 July 2023, Melbourne, Australia. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2023). The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the mechanical behavior of an Al-Si-Mg alloy component. 10th International Light Metals Technology Conference (LMT2023), 10–12 July 2023, Melbourne, Australia. More information
Lattanzi, L., Awe, S., Jansson, P., Westergård, R., Sjögren, T., Jarfors, A. (2023). The possibility of using secondary alloys for producing aluminium matrix composite components. 5th International Conference on Light Materials – Science and Technology (LightMAT 2023), 21–23 June 2023, Trondheim, Norway. More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Lattanzi, L., Jansson, P. (2023). Enhancing Rheocasting Process Control with AI-based Systems. The 35th Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS'23) annual workshop. More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2023). On the possibility of replacing Scheil-Gulliver modelling with machine learning and neural network models. 17th International Conference on Semi Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites (S2P2023), 6-8 September 2023, Brescia, Italy. More information
Jarfors, A., Du, A., Yu, G., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Wannasin, J. (2022). Semisolid Materials Processing: A Sustainability Perspective. 16th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, S2P 2021. More information
Windmark, C., Lattanzi, L., Månberger, A., Jarfors, A. (2022). Investigation on resource-efficient aluminium recycling – A state of the art review. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde, Sweden, April 26–29 2022. More information
Jones, C., Jolly, M., Jarfors, A., Irwin, M., Svenningsson, R., Steggo, J., Eriksson, J. (2020). A verification of thermophysical properties of a porous ceramic investment casting mould using commercial computational fluid dynamics software. 15th International Conference on Modelling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, MCWASP 2020, 22 June 2020 through 23 June 2020. More information
Stolt, R., Jarfors, A. (2020). Manufacturing of High Pressure Die Casting Die Inserts Using SLM. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 9th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2020), 7-8 October 2020, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Jones, C., Jolly, M., Jarfors, A., Irwin, M. (2020). An experimental characterization of thermophysical properties of a porous ceramic shell used in the investment casting process. 149th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, TMS 2020, San Diego, United States, 23-27 February 2020. More information
Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Chen, L., Yang, J. (2019). Recent advances in commercial application of the rheometal process in China and Europe. 15th International conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, S2P 2018; Shenzhen; China; 22 - 24 October 2018. More information
Borkar, H., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2019). Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of al alloy a380 prepared by directional solidification method. 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11 - 13 August 2018. More information
Stolt, R., Elgh, F., Jarfors, A. (2019). Challenges and Support when Introducing AM in HPDC Tooling. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 26th ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, held at the University of Tokyo, Kashiwa Campus, July 30 – August 1, 2019, Japan. More information
Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2019). Variation of properties in the cross-section of semi-solid al-7si-0.3mg castings. 15th International conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, S2P 2018; Shenzhen; China; 22 - 24 October 2018. More information
Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Lindgren, L., Jarfors, A. (2017). Modeling the Deformation Behavior of As-Cast AZ1D Including the Effect of The Cast Microstructure. The Twenty Third International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture, January 3-9, 2017, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. More information
Christina, K., Wass, S., Seifeddine, S., Zetterlind, M., Jarfors, A., Vomacka, P. (2016). Structured knowledge transfer through online education: Mutual benefits for academia and industry. 8th International Materials Education Symposium, Cambridge, April 7-8, 2016. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Chua, B. (2016). Microstructure versus substructure size effect. ESAFORM 2016: Proceedings of the 19th international ESAFORM conference on material forming, Nantes, 27–29 April, 2016.. More information
Jarfors, A., Matsushita, T., Bogdanoff, T., Börrisson, M., Beste, U. (2016). Effect of Use in High Pressure Die Casting on Vibenite®60 Tool Inserts Madeby Additive Manufacturing. DDMC2016 Frauenhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference. More information
Belov, I., Payandeh, M., Leisner, P., Jarfors, A., Wessen, M. (2016). Effect of fillets on heat transfer in a rheocast aluminium heatsink. 17th International Conference IEEE EuroSimE, Montpellier, April 17-20, 2016.. More information
Awe, S., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2016). Development of cast Al-Cu-Si ternary eutectic alloys for high temperature applications. Linköping: VBRI Press, European Advanced Materials Congress, 23-25 August 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Payandeh, M., Sjölander, E., Jarfors, A., Wessen, M. (2015). Mechanical And Thermal Properties Of Rheocast Telecom Component Using Low Silicon Aluminium Alloy In As-Cast And Heat-Treated Conditions. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. More information
Seifeddine, S., Zetterlind, M., Keller, C., Jarfors, A. (2015). Development of an online learning master program with specialization in cast metals engineering: Challenges and opportunities. 7th International Materials Education Symposium, Cambridge, United Kingdom. More information
Zhu, B., Leisner, P., Zanella, C., Persson, P., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). A study of formation and growth of the anodized surface layer on Al-Si casting alloys based on different analytical techniques. EastForum 2015, Lund, 25-26 June, 2015.. More information
Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Effect of interaction between lamellar graphite and cat-fines on tribological behaviour of cast iron under abrasion. 6th International Tribology Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 16-20th September 2015. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Micro-Crack Initiation in High-Silicon Cast Iron during Tension Loading. 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition: Connecting the Global Minerals, Metals, and Materials Community, TMS 2015, Walt Disney World Orlando, United States, 15 March 2015 through 19 March 2015. More information
Dini, H., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural Scale Effects on Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Cast AZ91D. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Magnesium Technology 2015 - TMS 2015. More information
Zhu, B., Leisner, P., Zanella, C., Persson, P., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). A study of formation and growth of the anodised surface layer on Al-Si casting alloys based on different analytical techniques. EastForum 2015 : Progress in Functional and Sustainable Surface Technology, Lund, June 25-26, 2015.. More information
Zhu, B., Leisner, P., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). Influence of Si and cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Mg cast alloys. VII Aliminum Surface Science & Technology, Madeira, Portugal, 17-21 May, 2015. More information
Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., EW Jarfors, A. (2014). Effects of microstructure and defects on tensile and fracture behaviour of a HPDC component: Potential properties and actual outcome of En AC-44300 alloy. TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 16-20, 2014: San Diego, CA, USA. More information
Kasvayee, K., Elmquist, L., Jarfors, A., Ghassemali, E. (2014). Development of a pattern making method for strain measurement on microstructural level in ferritic cast iron. 23rd International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM-XXIII), Roorkee, India, December 5-7, 2014. More information
Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2014). Effects of microstructure on deformation behaviour of AZ91D cast alloy. TMS 2014. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Chua, B., Lim, S., Jarfors, A. (2014). Friction effects during open-die micro-forging/extrusion processes: An upper bound approach. 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2014, Nagoya, 19-24 October 2014.. More information
Seifeddine, S., Poletaeva, D., Ghorbani, M., Jarfors, A. (2014). Heat treating of High Pressure Die Cast Components; challenges and possibilities. The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 143rd annual meeting,TMS 2014,San Diego, USA. More information
Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L., Svensson, H., König, M., E. W. Jarfors, A. (2014). Mechanical properties of solid solution strengthened CGI. 10th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron – SPCI10. More information
Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2013). Critical Description of Defects and Mechanical Behaviour in Casting Process Modelling of Light Metals for Automotive Use. 22nd International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM XXII), Singapore, 18-20 December, 2013. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Lim, S., Jarfors, A. (2012). Friction Factor in a Progressive Microforming Process. 7 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROMANUFACTURING. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Lim, S. (2011). Dead-zone formation and micro-pin properties in progressive microforming process. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ICTP 2011, 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Steel Research International: Special Edition, Aachen, DE, Sep 25-29, 2011. More information
Shanthi, M., Gupta, M., Jarfors, A., Tan, M. (2010). Producing magnesium metallic glass by disintegrated melt deposition. Paris ICTP 2011, 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Steel Research International: Special Edition, Aachen, DE, Sep 25-29, 2011. More information
Liu, J., Tan, M., Castagne, S., Aue-U-Lan, Y., Jarfors, A., Fong, K., Bayraktar, E. (2010). Finite element modeling of a non-isothermal superplastic-like forming process. Paris ICTP 2011, 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Steel Research International: Special Edition, Aachen, DE, Sep 25-29, 2011. More information
Jarfors, A. (1998). Insitu formed aluminium composites. NATO advanced study insititues on avanced light alloys and composites. More information


Zhu, B. (2016). Effect of Si particle modification on the growth and microstructure of anodised aluminium oxide. More information
Malakizadi, A., Ghasemi, R., Behring, C., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Nyborg, L. . Machinability of solid solution-strengthened compacted graphite iron: Influence of the microstructure, mechanical properties and cutting conditions on tool wear response. More information
Ghasemi, R., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Svensson, I. . Modelling and simulation of local mechanical properties of high silicon solution-strengthened ferritic CGI materials. More information
Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. . The effect of magnesium on the intermetallic phases and heat treatment response of cast Al‐7Si‐Mg. More information
Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. . Effect of process parameters on distortion and residual stress in high pressure die cast AZ91D components after shot peening and painting. More information
Zhu, B., Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Zanella, C. . Influence of Mg content on the fatigue behaviour of Al-Si-Mg alloys by rheocasting process. More information
Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. . Tag-and-trace method of α-Al crystals to study the dissolution of an aluminium alloy. More information
Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. . Fatigue crack initiation in semi-solid Al-7Si-Mg castings. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. . The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the fatigue performance of an Al-Si-Mg alloy component. More information
Zhang, Q., Santos, J., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. . Four-point bending fatigue behavior of Rheocast AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy: Effect of sample thickness. More information
Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. . Four-point bending fatigue behavior of TX630 alloy: role ofthe surface liquid segregation. More information
Zhang, Q., Liljenfors, T., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. . On the correlation between melt quality and ductility: role of pore clusters. More information

Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Diószegi, A., Diaconu, L., Jarfors, A. (Eds.). (2018). Science and Processing of Cast Iron XI. More information


Payandeh, M., Sabzevar, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2016). Solidification and re-melting phenomena during the slurry preparation stage using the RheoMetalTM process. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Sjölander, E., Payandeh, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2015). Thermal conductivity of liquid cast and rheocast telecom component using Al-6Si-2Cu-Zn (Stenal Rheo 1) in as-cast and heat treated condition. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural strain distribution in ductile iron; Comparison between finite element simulation and digital image correlation measurements. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural strain localization and crack evolution in ductile iron. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information


(2001). Special section: Selected papers from the 3rd international Conference on Cast Metal matrix Composites. More information