Working Process and Writing in Research, 7.5 credits
Arbetsprocess och skrivande i samband med vetenskapligt arbete, 7,5 högskolepoäng. Kursen planeras att ges på engelska.
Course content
The course is an introductory course in scientific writing at third cycle (doctoral). Different topics treated in the course are:
- Scientific writing as working process
- Argumentation: Theory an application
- Genre adaption of texts within a focus on informative, discursive, and argumentative text types
- Text adaptation to different reader groups (monography, compilation thesis, introductory chapter, summarizing chapter, articles, abstracts, popular science etc)
- Linguistic correctness at different textual levels
- Use of manuals
Type of instruction
Instruction consists of lectures, seminars and exercises individually and in groups.
Further information
Read the course syllabus here (Swedish) Pdf, 124.5 kB..
See attachment to course syllabus.
An English version of the course syllabus will be presented later.
Sista anmälningsdag är den 7 augusti. Se anmälningsblankett här. (använd bifogad blankett - markera Visa och sedan Redigera dokument för att fylla i formuläret).
Bekräftelse om vilka som har fått plats skickas ut senast den 21 augusti.