JTH met its strategic partners within SPARK at Husqvarna

JTH's strategic partners within SPARK in a meeting at Husqvarna.

The industry's issues form the basis of the projects within SPARK. On 28 September JTH met its strategic partners within SPARK at Husqvarna.

On 28 September the School of Engineering (JTH) met its strategic partners within the research and education enviroment SPARK. The meeting was held at Husqvarna.

JTH holds these annual meetings to strengthen the relationship with its strategic partners and make sure that they meet the partners’ challenges and strategies.

“We want to ensure that innovative and sustainable solutions to their challenges can be realized and that the supply of skills is secured. The industry's issues form the basis of the projects within SPARK and the solutions that are developed take place in co-production, says Salem Seifeddine, Associate Dean of Research at JTH.

He emphasizes that JTH through SPARK continues to contribute to the development of society and ensures that science reaches tomorrow's applications and thereby strengthens the industry's competitiveness.

Joel Karlsson, Manager Production Engineering Assembly at Husqvarna.

Joel Karlsson, Manager Production Engineering Assembly at Husqvarna.

Opportunities for collaboration

Joel Karlsson, Manager Production Engineering Assembly at Husqvarna, emphasizes that the SPARK meetings show what practical opportunities they have for collaboration within SPARK, and what that can bring to Husqvarna. He mentions AI (Artificial Intelligence) as an interesting area for them.

“We must be at the forefront of production and it would be interesting to see if AI can help us create more efficient processes. Through SPARK, we can also gain knowledge about AI from other companies and find collaborations with JTH on how we can use AI,” says Joel Karlsson.

Magnus Willman, Plant Manager at Kongsberg Automotive.

Magnus Willman, Plant Manager at Kongsberg Automotive.

"Important to be up to date"

Magnus Willman, Plant Manager at Kongsberg Automotive, mentions that it has been a while since they attended a meeting of this kind due to the Corona pandemic.

“We are good at the daily routines in the factory, but it is easy to lose sight of the outside world. It is important to be up to date to maintain your competitiveness and that is why we are here,” he says.


JTH's strategic partners within SPARK consist of: Campus Värnamo, Combitech Sweden, Fagerhult Group, Husqvarna Group, Kongsberg Automotive, Saab, Scania CV AB and Träcentrum. It rotates between them who has the meeting.

Next year, the meeting will take place at Träcentrum in Nässjö.

Read more about SPARK here

JTH's meeting with its strategic partners within SPARK, at Husqvarna.

From the left: Salem Seifeddine, Associate Dean of Research at JTH, Linda Bergqvist, External Relations Manager at JTH and Peter Swalander, Operation manager.
