Omslag IRE, Jorunal of Lifelong Learning.

Call for abstracts: Lifelong learning in emergencies

Inbjudan till special issue i International Review of Education. Deadline 17 april.

International Review of Education (IRE) bjuder in till ett specialnummer, med titeln “Lifelong learning in emergencies: Pushing the epistemological boundaries”. Abstract på 150-300 ord ska skickas in senast den 17 april.

Ambitionen är att täcka in områden som exempelvis:

  • Power and politics within the EIE discourse, networks, programmes, partnerships and actors, with a focus on lifelong learning.
  • The purpose and vision of EIE in the context of temporality and protracted conflict caused by wars, exploitation of resources, climate injustice and other causes of emergencies and conflicts.
  • How to decolonise EIE rhetoric, practice, knowledge production, management and implementation?
  • Critical approaches to the study of the practice and realities of education in emergencies (in terms of existing discourse, theories, projects and programmes, issues of funding, curricula and pedagogy, actors and frameworks and knowledge production)
  • Issues of EiE support and why it is limited to schooling while lifelong learning in emergencies continues to be a priority for affected communities
  • What are the main obstacles and/or main enablers to access, learning, and protection in lifelong learning in emergencies?
  • Studies on the importance and potential of lifelong learning for the capacity of individuals, families and communities to contribute to personal and societal change and the rebuilding of conflict-ridden societies, with particular attention to the situation of marginalised populations.

IRE Call for Abstracts for Special Issue: Lifelong learning in emergencies: Pushing the epistemological boundaries | Articles (

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