Vuxnas lärande under pandemin
Onlineföreläsning med insikter från Skottland.
Titel: Community-based adult learning (CBAL) during the time of Covid-19: some insights from Scotland
Föreläsare: Lyn Tett, Universities of Huddersfield and Edinburgh
Tid: 15 juni kl 19
Plats: Online, anmäl till António Fragoso aalmeida@ualg.pt
This presentation is based on research in Scotland that investigated the impact of COVID-19 on Community-based adult learning (CBAL). CBAL focuses on improving the quality of life for the most disadvantaged adults and has a different ideology, methods, and curriculum from mainstream education. I will show how the impact of COVID-19 exacerbated inequalities in the learning and teaching available to the least advantaged, due to the interaction of pre-existing educational and digital inequalities with poverty. However, CBAL practitioners were able to mitigate some of these disadvantages by demonstrating the value of their work to other professions, finding imaginative ways of addressing digital inequalities and acting to reduce mental health issues caused by isolation and loneliness.
Biographical note
Lyn Tett is Professor Emerita at the Universities of Huddersfield and Edinburgh. Her research focuses on the factors that lead to the exclusion of adults from post-compulsory education and the action that might be taken to promote social inclusion. She has well over a 100 highly cited publications that have not only detailed the connections between policy, pedagogy and assessed outcomes in adult education but also suggested the actions that can mitigate the worst excesses of increasingly unequal societies. Her latest book (edited with Mary Hamilton) is Resisting neoliberalism in education: local, national and transnational perspectives, published by Policy Press in 2019.