Encell:s Helene Ahl belönad med "Paper of the Year"

Skrev årets artikel i statustidskriften Human Relations.

Helene Ahl

Helene Ahl har, tillsammans med Susan Marlow vid University of Birmingham, belönats med Paper of the year award 2021 av den högt rankade tidskriften Human Relations. Ahl och Marlows artikel “Exploring the false promise of entrepreneurship through a postfeminist critique of the enterprise policy discourse in Sweden and the UK” Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. finns öppet tillgänglig.

Chefredaktör Mark Learmonth skriver följande om publikationen:

You have written an outstanding paper. It compellingly shows how policy initiatives that might appear to be highly progressive have been infiltrated by discourses which, in effect, disguise continued structural discrimination. The theme of apparently benevolent policies being used to have effects that are oppressive is important – in the context of encouraging women to become entrepreneurs of course – but also in many other areas related to work and employment. Given the complexities and nuances involved, it can be difficult to effectively capture the often paradoxical and ambiguous processes at play. Your work, however, is particularly convincing and as such I am confident that it will provide a model that many others will want to emulate. I very much hope it will be used in this way by future authors in Human Relations.


Se också:

Ahl: Kvinnors företagande - från jämlika möjligheter till potentiell resurs

Film från ett annat av Helenes projekt, producerad av Gabriel Djärf:


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